Arabeth ✩ (In Depth & Gallery)



I'm no sweet dream

Name Arabeth Veil Darkbloom
Age Adult
Alias Lady Darkbloom, Veil
Gender Female
Sexuality Lesbian
Pronouns she / her
Role Assassin, Mask Maker
Species Jellybean Dragon

but I'm a hell of a night
  • Her design is very simple!!
  • Please don't forget her scars, colorful nails, or earrings!!
  • Her eyes are funky, yellow sclera and white pupils!
  • Her tongue is a rainbow gradient, the same colors as her nails
  • Feel free to put her in any cool assassin-y or goth-y outfits tbh
Reference Here

Cold • Independant • Manipulative • Mysterious

a master assassin and a master actor, arabeth darkbloom is the heir the legacy of the darkblooms in the Underworld- often known as the two greatest assassins who ever existed, who disappeared off the map a while ago, and their mysterious daughter returned years later to take up their name and get revenge for their deaths. she has a fondness for masks, a lil bit of arts and crafts, lying, and carving people up with pretty knives

Arabeth is a mysterious bean. She is incredibly independent, and smart. She can be manipulative, sneaky, and secretive. She is a master actor, and can fake her way out of or in to almost any situation. She is snarky and occasionally rude, her words thick with sarcasm and wit. She can be vague and creepy, with a dark sense of humor. She has no problem around things such as death, gore, things that would normally make one uncomfortable. She probably knows 50 different ways to kill you at any given point in time. She is fluent in several languages, and can take up multiple accents.

She was a contract killer, working as an assassin while looking for revenge, but once she got it she strayed away from assassin work and started travelling for herself, selling masks. She loves masks. Masks of all shapes and sizes, and she loves making them. She keeps her very first one, made for her by her father, with her wherever she goes. It is black, with small feathers on the sides and a small yellow bow. She them out of all sorts of things, and sells them. She has premade ones that she makes whenever she feels like it, but she also loves doing custom masks, ones that are personal and made specifically for one person.

she's hot sexy murder bitch


solitary social
observent dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

No, I won't smile

Maecenas ac pretium quam. Mauris ullamcorper, sapien ac pellentesque egestas, sem urna blandit felis, et scelerisque metus lacus ac diam.

Phasellus tincidunt neque elit, quis facilisis odio molestie in. Nulla neque lectus, malesuada vel congue sit amet, tempor quis est. Quisque sit amet nisi nisi.


Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend.

Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae.


Arabeth Veil Darkbloom was born to a well known couple in the assassination business, the Darkblooms. They were contract killers, almost a legend in the underground and had deals with the authorities to get past many laws. By the time Ara was old enough to walk she knew how to wield a knife, and was taught all manners of self defense and fighting techniques. Her parents kept her mostly a secret to the underground community (not actually underground but like the assassins and killers and mafias and gangs and such you know the baddies), because they wanted to keep her safe and they couldn’t have any weaknesses.

When Arabeth was six, right before her 7th birthday, her parents were killed. It was a normal night, Father was making dinner and Mother was telling Arabeth stories from their work. There was a loud noise from downstairs, and Arabeth was quickly told to hide in one of the kitchen cabinets and not let herself be seen or heard. Mother gave her one of her knives, the smallish one with a sleek black handle, and Arabeth obediently hid in a cabinet, curled up in a ball clutching the knife tightly. She watched through the crack underneath the cupboard door as six unfamiliar people wearing all black came into view, all bearing dangerous looking weapons. They backed her parents into the corner of the kitchen, where the food was still cooking on the stove. Her parents fought back, but in the end were overpowered and outnumbered. Arabeth watched in horror as both her parents were brutally murdered by these men. Five of them left, but the last one stayed, possibly the leader. He searched the kitchen, and Arabeth stayed quiet. Her parent’s bodies were still on the floor, blood pooling around them. Her heart beat impossibly fast, she was surprised the intruder couldn’t hear it. He turned, with his back to her, doing something with Father. This made Ara angry, this man breaking into her home, killing her parents, and then messing with their bodies? Maybe it was the shock and horror of what she had just witnessed, maybe it was her own training kicking in, but Arabeth’s small purple frame burst from the cabinet, knife in hand, and thrust the small blade into the neck of the one who murdered her parents as hard as she could. Her training came in handy, as he died almost on impact. It was too swift a death for what he had done.

Driven by pure adrenaline and instinct at this point, as she was numb in most ways, little six year old Arabeth gathered a few of her things, and fled the house she had known all her short life. The other ones would be back soon, looking for their friend. The one Arabeth had just killed, who’s lifeless body lay next to her parents on the tiled kitchen floor. Her parents had always told her where to go if she ever needed help, somewhere she could stay, It was a house on the beach, owned by the niece of one of Mother’s good friends.

Arabeth arrived at Oleander’s house well past midnight, her tired six year old feet barely dragging her across the ground. She knocked on the door, and waited for it to open. When it did, a tall, spotted bean stood there, looking down at Arabeth quizzically. The child was wearing her black mask, made by her father. “They’re looking for me… Can you keep a secret?”

Olea took in Arabeth, unable to turn her away, but was wary of the strange purple child at first. The first couple nights, when Olea had asked Arabeth where her parents were, or told her that she needed to go back to them, all the child would say was that “they were gone” and that Olea was “all she had left.” Eventually Olea gave up, not pressuring Arabeth for any more information about her past, as she could tell it made the girl extremely anxious and uncomfortable and she tended to lock up and become cold and distant whenever it was brought up. She had no idea where Arabeth came from, where her birth parents were, or why Olea was the only person she seemed to mildly trust. Arabeth scarcely talked for the first two years, staying in the bedroom Olea had given her and drawing, reading, or making paper masks. Olea found herself caring for the girl, seeing her as her own. As Ara grew older, she opened up more, developing what one would call an “attitude.” She had no sense of danger, and was often reckless and looking for trouble. She still wouldn’t talk of what had happened before she met Olea. When Ara went to middle school, she got herself in all sorts of fights, but kept her grades exceptionally high. Olea grew more and more worried for her, she seemed distant and angry, getting into fights and trouble. As a young teen she would disappear for hours at a time, and then come back to a worried Olea acting as if she was right on time.

Arabeth doesn’t know if she loves Olea, she doesn’t know if she sees Olea more as her mother or as a guardian. She does know that she is very grateful to her, and Olea is one of the only beans she has ever felt close with since her parents were killed.

As Arabeth reaches her older teens, she basically disowns Olea, leaving one night and not coming back. "You're not my mother, Oleander. You need to stop acting like it, because my mother died a long time ago. You're only hurting yourself." Ara leaves the house on the beach, already having stayed there for far longer than she originally intended. She continues the search for her parents killers, and Darkbloom resurfaces in the Underground, a young woman claiming to be the deceased assassin's daughter who's face is always hidden. She has no problem killing, having grown up accustomed to the fact that her parents took the lives of others. She takes on jobs, using the knowledge she learned from her parents and her time on the run to make and sell masks by day and kill her targets at night. When she isn't doing Underground business, she goes by Arabeth Veil, and when she is dealing with the darker side of society, she's Miss Darkbloom. Ara feels as if the several years she spent with Olea softened her up, and she does her best to forget those. A killer can't be soft, and she can't be soft if she wants to get revenge for her parents.

She meets Sirius on her travels, after being contracted to kill a famous bounty hunter. Turns out, he is the one she was looking for, and he was contracted to find her as well. They fight it out, and after a draw, end up talking. They talk about their jobs, their hobbies, their pasts. And Arabeth gets an idea. This man is supposed to be an amazing bounty hunter, known for his skill in finding people who don't want to be found. And she is looking for someone. She decides not to kill him, and offers him a job instead. Help her find her parent's killers, and she'll pay him twice what he was being offered for her. He agrees, and they spend the next several months together looking for clues and sharing information. They grow closer, friends if either of them would admit to it. Then, Sirius gets a lead. He and Arabeth find the gang who killed her parents, and Arabeth gets her revenge. It's slow, and painful, and Sirius looks away. They part ways after that, but Arabeth has asked him for help a couple times in finding someone, and she keeps an ear out for info or leads for him. They are still friends, and in thanks for helping her with her life's goal, Arabeth made him a mask.

After getting her revenge, she didn't know what to do, and felt lost. She continued taking contracts for a while, but eventually wanted to focus on her masks. She travels around, putting the name Darkbloom behind her, making masks. But if you find her and know of the Darkblooms, for a price she might consider doing another job.


  • she probably got kicked out of several elementary schools (she already knew everything, but went to school for Olea's sake) for scaring the students and teachers tbh
  • She has a crow companion that has lived with the Darkblooms for a long time. Ara thought he was gone after her parents died but after she left Olea's he showed up mysteriously. She isn't sure if he is mortal or actually a bird, but he makes good company.

but I'll show you my teeth
Aesthetic badass, pastel goth
Alignment Nuetral Evil
MBTI idk
Sin Pride
Virtue idk

Designer kavlri
Obtained Feb. 6th, 2016
Status nft!!
Value Free Bean

ex(?) adoptive guardian

Ara was taken in by Olea when she was six, and stayed there for about ten years under her protection. Olea loved her and treated her as her own, although they had a weird relationship that bordered between sisters and mother/daughted, and Ara feels the same, although she would never say it. Arabeth left when she was seventeen, to find revenge and live her own life. It takes a few years, after she gets her revenge, that Arabeth contacts Olea again, through letter. They send letters infrequently, but Ara keeps tabs on Olea and her ship.


Siri was once contracted to hunt down and capture Arabeth, when she was still going by Darkbloom and working as an assassin. Funnily enough, at the same time she had been contracted to hunt down and kill Sirius. When they found each other, both ready to finish their jobs, they kind of stopped and were like "I'm here to take you down." "no, IM here to take YOU down" and they laughed about it, and after some badass fighting, neither won and they calmed down and talked for a bit.

Ara ended up getting a favor from Siri in return for not killing him, and he agreed to help and dropped his current contract. He stuck with her for a bit, and helped her hunt down her parent's killers. After that, they went their separate ways, but still catch up from time to time. Arabeth made him a cool mask that he loves and has started using on jobs.