Cloud ⛅️



4 years, 7 months ago




Name Cloud
Role Guardian
Height 74 (dog); 174 (human)
Gender male (he/him)
Race canis
D.O.B. 25 August
Zodiac Sign Virgo ♍️
Theme Song link


  • relaxation
  • cold drinks
  • evening time


  • rain
  • storms
  • rude people

Guardian of Children's Dreams and Fantasies. A sociable and carefree dreamer who gets along with people easily. Much deeper and more thoughtful than others see him. He protects the dreams of children and parents often present offerings to his altars. Cloud can sometimes be seen at sunset, but he never appears in cloudy weather. Lives deep in cumulus clouds. ★彡

About ⛅️

Cloud is very outgoing, carefree and dreamy. He easily gets along with people. Many give the impression of him as a person who is too carried away by his fantasies and cannot be relied upon, although in reality this is not so. Cloud is much deeper and more thoughtful than people around him see. He always remembers and keeps his promises, as well as the dreams of other people. He has a tender heart and is very empathic, so he never leaves his friends.

As a Guardian

Cloud is the Guardian of Children's Dreams and Fantasies. He remembers the desire of every child and tenderly guards it. Even those desires and dreams that no one is destined to come true. He had to go through a lot due to the fact that not all children were able to fulfill their dreams: some of them were disappointed in life, some simply forgot what they wanted, and someone passed away very early. But Cloud always remember the dream of every child he protected.


Cloud lives in cumulus clouds and appears towards sunset, in rainless weather. He never appears in the rain and very rarely during the day, there are reasons for this. Cloud is a colleague of the Nexus (they are both Guardians created by Ionel), but they have a rather tense relationship due to their different activities and personalities. The fantasies created by Cloud often caused problems for the Nexus (as the Guardian of Space and Time), while Cloud is much more carefree and acts without malicious intent, although he causes problems for the Nexus.


  • Enjoys incense sticks or sea salt baths, can spend hours relaxing in the water or swinging on a hammock.
  • Despite his outward nature, Cloud keeps his promises. He also gets along well with children and they are always much calmer and more cheerful around him
  • Feels very uncomfortable around “serious”-like people or higher officials. He can get along with almost anyone, but feels uncomfy in the presence of such people
  • Loves to fool around and tickle someone!
  • He can create a figures from clouds



Nexus [ friend/colleague ]

They have a rather complicated and tense relationship and the Nexus tries to catch Cloud every time. However, they do not look like enemies to each other.


Black Hole [ friend ]

Cloud calls him his best friend. They often hang out together and Cloud calms Black Hall down or chatting with him. It seems they are comfortable together.


Ionel [ boss ]

His boss and creator. Cloud treats him with deep respect, but prefers to keep his distance.