Grandia Seepferd



4 years, 10 months ago


here's your profile description! looks good when it's lil, but you can write as much as you like and the rest of the profile will adjust to fit.

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name . age . pronouns

write a quote here. there is space in the credits below to link to the source in case it's a song lyric.
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name . age . pronouns

here's your profile description! looks good when it's lil, but you can write as much as you like and the rest of the profile will adjust to fit.

Ru3npF4.png Ru3npF4.png Ru3npF4.png

write a quote here. there is space in the credits below to link to the source in case it's a song lyric.
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  • Name
Grandia Seepferd
  • Species
  • Age
  • Height
1.55 // 5ft 1''
  • Gender
  • Orientation
  • Physical characteristics
Pink hair, orange eyes, slim built, toned muscles, white skin, sharp teeth, purple tongue, green blood. Red Coral grows at each side of      her head at her will.

Kelpies are flesh-eating shape-shifting water spirits from celtic mythology. Found mostly on rivers and lakes, eventhough some "species" can be found at sea and estuaries. They're said to be capable of transforming into human and horse form, mainly to lure pray. The myth establishes them to be mostly males, with little exceptions. They kill by drowning; in horse shape, they show themselves ready to ride and once the prey is on, they run into the water and devour their victims. They show themselves ready with a briddle or saddle, said to give magical abilities to those people who get one, and with a silver necklace when in human form. If stolen, the briddle also gives the new owner power over the kelpie who will obbey without hesitation. They are said to be killed by a silver bullet, pretty much like werewolves, and can't stand the holy cross (blergh!)

So I took this myth and bent it to my will (?) XD

MY kelpie variation are still flesh-eating, watery shape-shifting, drowning killers and saddle/briddle bearing monsters. Killed by usual methods, non religious itmes needed. Horse-like creatures with razor sharp fangs and snouts able to open up like boas' mandibles; they have a long tongue, as long as their own bodies, and their "mouth" opens up to his ribs. Huge, four-legged and fish-like tailed beasts. Very pretty (?) and blue/green-ish. With a matriarchal society, where males are a rare event lately, thanks to a sad encounter with a curse. That was important because, like hippocampus, males are the birth-givers.

So, this here is Grandia, twin sister to Keval Seepferd.

Cold-hearted ("Objective" if you ask her), tactical and self-centered, that last one may be the only thing she has in common with Keval. She's a very social creature, understands the importance of connections and cordiality as means to achieve her goals in a society filled with hormones (?). Displays always a smile eventhough her opinions can be sharp and sarcastic. Loves to be down the spotlight, but no one must know, especially her brother. Egotistical and pretty immature, she's jealous of her brother's freedom and her sister's "place/ranking". She feels at a disadvantage every passing day.

She's a prodigy on self-control. Was the first of the litter to control her corals and shape-shifting, even before her older sister Gallarda, but even this didn't place her as of importance to their mother, after all, she was born in a litter that produced a male. As human, she's as fast as in her monster form; tho not as strong. She morphs her briddles into twin swords, thin and light but very sharp. She hates showing her monster form when eating, feels exposed whenever she opens her innards and unleashes herself to "the joy of killing".

She's her baby brother's sitter, and she hates to be reduced to cleaning his messes; so naturaly, when he ran away, she was thrilled to be given permission to get him back at any cost: "I only have to make sure he's breathing and able to recover, right?"