Lapis Lazuli



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Lapis Lazuli







  • Doesn't like asking for help. No matter how much she may be hurting or how bad a situation is, she refuses to ask for assistance. She’s not afraid of seeming weak- she's fully aware she very well may be. Requesting things makes her feel like a burden. But if someone else offers to help her when they see her in need, it’s completely different and totally okay in her book.
  • Not very good at thinking things out and makes a lot of impulse decisions. She strongly believes following her gut instincts is the best solution to most problems. This is probably only right about half the time.
  • Being carried around is her favorite thing and it makes her really happy.
  • Skeptical of strangers and takes awhile to warm up to people. She’s likely to greet with a weak “Hello,” lots of side eyeing, and talk very little. First impressions of her are generally that she’s pretty apathetic. But given some time to grow on her you’ll realize how much of a softie she really is. She can be very affectionate and worry a bit too much about her friends.


Grew up an only child in Olivine city born with loose hip joints. Her parents did what they could for her but were unable to find proper treatments to fix the problem completely, and were only able to slow down the progression of it. As she got older and her body grew it still got worse. When she was a small child it wasn’t so bad; she could do most things as long as it didn’t require lots of running. By the time she hit her teens the kind of activities she could do lessened. Her mother watched over her like a hawk most of the time-- Not that Lapis minded much. At first.

After awhile she grew tired of being babied 24/7 and having so many restrictions on what she could. She liked the concern but she was old enough that she felt she deserved a sense of independence. There were kids younger than her on journeys already. It wasn’t fair in her mind that she stay locked up in town all the time just because of ‘a few leg issues.’

And, with that thought, she packed a backpack and told her parents she was heading out to join the League. Her parents were not happy with this decision, but Lapis felt it was for the best.

… In the end, she did not get approval from her parents and ended up running off in the middle of the night.