


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Eivenn (said as ivan)




















"Im an adventurer at heart, but i dont stray too far from home."


✵ ✵ C h a r a c t e r I n f o r m a t i o n ✵ ✵


++|| Bubbly || caring || positive || Friendly || charismatic || light hearted ||

  --|| self depricating sometimes || Short attention span || loser and he knows it || easily discouraged || needs moral support ||


Originally born in erast, Eivenn was born in a family of only him and his parents. His mother and father had always wanted a child of their own, and had been trying for a long time. Eivenn was born about a month early, making his probabilty of living very small, and his parents expected the worse after talking to the doctors. Despite being a preemie baby, the ivysaur held on. Being an already small kid and having lots of immune system issues, going to the education that his town had offered, wasnt any easier. Evienn was often bullied and pushed around by the bigger kids, and was too weak to really defend himself. His parents would often witness their child coming home with a could of those kids still chasing him, or him coming home with black eyes. A lot of the times Eivenn would hide from his parents and the other kids, to go off and do his own thing. He would find himself venturing off and adventuring the town, getting lost in the mazes of buildings and marketplaces. As Eivenn got older, He grew more and more crafty with the bullies that wouldnt give up on trying to make him feel bad. Easily able to get away because of his knowledge of the city. His mother and father expressed how they didnt like eivenn going off on his own, and that it was dangerous, even in the city. Eivenn constantly shrugged them off, and told them that he would one day leave for good, and theyd have to be prepared for letters, since he didnt plan on ever coming back. His mother had talks with him saying that she wanted him to stay home and that he shouldnt be rushing to leave home. Eivenn had to often explain to her that his heart yearns to explore and get out of this town. After taling to her she left his room and had begun an argument with his father. Not being the first time he heard them argue over him, deciding that he was going to evacuate himself from the situation, for everyones sake. Grabbing up a small bag and leaving a letter on the desk next to his bed. Climbing out his open window and silently leaving the city. 

On His travels, Eivenn has....met some interesting people, and fought ran big and scary creatures, harsh storms in which he SHOULD be dead, and almost drowning....more than a man ever should. Before making it to tolym (the place he resides now) He had gone through valeme, valet, and medisa. While in the mountains of Tolym, Eivenn had managed to get trapped in the middle of a wicked blizzard. Having not much sleep or to eat prior, he fainted in the snow, only to be woken up to a warm fire and a long haired man sitting across the fire from him. Naturally, he screamed and bounced away, Yelling about how he didnt taste good and that he doesnt have meat on his bones. The figure simply stared at him and couldnt believe this idiot was suggecting that he was going to be eaten. The male explained that his name was Silviu and that he lived in these mountains cleaning up any bodies or lost travelers that got snowed in on his mountain. Eivenn then felt queasy from the thought of the guy carrying corpses around; Asking who the ivysaur was and why he was here without any preparations, Eivenn told the male his name and explained that he was an explorer, and left home to become a full fledged adventurer. Silver found this to be interesting and had talked to the male about it, hearing all of his stories. He found it to be endearing that this guy was so interested, and explained how he wished that he could leave the mountains. Eivenn then offered for silver to leave with him when the storm was over. The two now travel together, and even picked up another member of their little friend group, Hokulani. An otulaw pikipek from xianhua who had tried to mug eivenn and silver, but was...unsuccsessful.

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✵ ✵ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ✵ ✵

  • ⌘ TBA

✵ ✵ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ✵ ✵

SILVIU:  [Best friend and love interest ]
Silver is honestly eivenns best friend, and really the first guy hes let get remotely close  enough to travel with him. Even though Eivenn knows that sometimes silver cant believe some of the shit that comes out of his mouth, he knows that the guy is forever there for him. He also would be lying if he said there wasnt any underlying crush for the manakete.


 HOKULANI:  [adopted adventure sister]

Eivenn is still a little on the rocks about hokulani, but over all likes her. He has adopted her in as a younger sister, and would do lots to protect her. Even though hes jealous about sharing silver, he tries to keep those tendencies down for the sake of their little group.

✵ ✵ L i t e r a t u r e ✵ ✵