


4 years, 7 months ago


NAME: Arie DosayjAGE: 22
SPECIES: Unknown-- human/ram hybridBIRTHDAY: April 6th
VOICECLAIM: Tom Bauer (as Feitan)


  • Dark academia aesthetic with hints of bright pastel
  • Mostly deaf-- wears hearing aids and is fluent in ASL
  • Very observant-- really good at reading body language
  • His voice has a somber and grave tone to it, no matter what he's saying
  • Kind of an asshole; he has no social filter and will say almost anything that comes to mind and just lets those around him defend him. He also often makes innuendos
  • Is willing to go to great lengths for his own personal interests, especially for information he's curious about
  • He's very (curious and sometimes invasive) by nature
  • Creative and quick-tempered; can get really passionate about his art (cooking, fashion, and painting)
  • Extremely passionate about food, and thus he has a very strict exercise routine to keep his figure
    • (Had a minor eating disorder in middle school)
  • Has a very set daily routine. For example, he wakes up and goes back to sleep at the same time each day of the week, like clockwork, and will get pissy if his pattern is disrupted, but nothing major.
  • He keeps money in his socks.
  • He is surprisingly easily impressed. Despite being an ass, he likes to be encouraging to others. 
  • BEST friends with Richard
  • Went to a private boys school, where he met Richard, as well as NyQuil and Emory-Alistair 
  • He has an in-and-off fwb situation with NyQuil that breaks off whenever one of them starts to catch feelings again
  • Fond of clothes with gold-stitched accents
  • His entire family is the same species as he with different horn variations
  • Has a younger brother, George, who is four
  • Has four uncles, three of which is close to, who all went on to have a lot of kids, so he has like 25 cousins. 
  • Also very close to his Aunt Ollie, who is deaf and taught him ASL
  • Much of his family lives in their large stone family-inherited villa, which has been owned and maintained by his bloodline for generations 
  • Half of it is a bed and breakfast that he cooks for, as well as puts paintings on the walls of

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