


4 years, 5 months ago


- Guntram -

Basic Info

Alias- Gunther

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Species - Lapagi

Alignment - Neutral Good


Guntram is a lapagi with a talent similar to a musician’s. Famously known as the Bard Prince, he plays music that can soothe the soul of one. That aside, he is primarily known for wielding Ice and light magic.


Guntram is very kindhearted and gentle, and has the tendency to travel Vantura all on his own. He usually tends to get nervous about love, therefore he refuses to fall in love. Although he is of the Saint class of lapagi and is capable of fighting, he is well aware that fighting can be a big burden to him. Therefore, he has the tendency to retreat without further warning.

He appears to have some knowledge regarding the existence of the arcane lord, but he decides to keep all of that a secret…


Guntram was the first born child of four siblings. When his parents passed away from an unknown illness, he risked his life to raise his siblings all by himself. However, because of the fact that his household would decay, he was struggling to raise funds, just so he could keep it up and running. As a result, Guntram began to travel all on his own.

He first started his career as a bard, when he bought a wooden flute, but nobody cared about his melody. He kept on trying to attract an audience, until finally, he gave up. However, he discovered a flute in shining gold, and when he played it, it made a mystical sound that it attracted a small audience. When he continued playing it, the audience grew larger, and much to his surprise, everyone liked his melody. This gave Guntram a good reputation, and since then, he had continued to live his life as a bard.

On the plus side, the funds he gained from his audience restored his household, but he let his younger siblings (All of which have grown up) tend it until he comes back.

Design Notes

  • The circlet is not mandatory, but are still preferred.
  • His left eye is normal, it's just always hidden.
  • His flute is optional though, so there's no need to add it. But, if you want to, then go ahead.
  • The cyan tints on his hair are not optional.