Kanamaru Shiro



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Kanamaru Shiro, The White Fox Spirit of the Blue Blossoms
Age: 500+ Years Old
5' 11"

Personality: Intelligent, Charming, Distant, Sly, Noble

Minor Shapeshifting
Shiro is capable of transforming into a snow-white fox at will. This form is visible by humans, and Shiro is still capable of talking while in this form. His senses also heighten while in this state, making him more perceptive.

Flower Magic
Shiro is capable of performing a few minor skills using the blue blossoms that he grows, including, but not limited to:
- Putting people to sleep
- Alleviating sickness, discomfort and pain
- Treating minor illnesses
- Creating petal swarms

Fox Fire
Like most other Fox Spirits, Shiro can create small fireballs, known as Fox Fire. This fire is blue, but does not have any other special properties.

Enhanced Physical Abilities
Shiro has physical abilities and techniques far greater than that of the average person, having faster reflexes, movements and striking power.


  • Dango
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Being Alone
  • Sunlight
  • Relaxing


  • Noise
  • Sour Plums
  • Cats
  • Other Fox Spirits
  • Being Targetted

 Shiro was born and lived in Japan during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, living in a small village along the edges of the Hojo territory. Towards the turn to the Edo period, Shiro and his family were killed as Oda Nobunaga's forces pushed in on the Japanese Capital. Unable to pass on peacefully, Shiro's spirit became that of the blue blossoms, a rare event that occurs only once every hundred years, where cherry blossoms bloom in a bright blue colour, rather than their normal pink. Now a part of both the spirit world, yokai realm and human realm, Shiro spends his time exploring, trying to find something to fill his time while he waits for the next blue blossoming.
  Shiro does not seem to fit in with many others, with the yokai and other spirits not liking him due to his human aspects, and the other human souls distancing from him due to his spiritual aspects. Being a loner, Shiro tends to spend most of his time in the real world, watching things change and progress while he watches quietly from the sidelines. Shiro thinks that it's better this way, with very few people in the human world being able to see him. This way, he can truly enjoy his peace.