Crescent of Fallen Moon



7 years, 8 months ago


7/30/16. To be the second king. Deputy will be Cheetah - one step down from that is Timothy. Confident (Kind). King is Crescent of Fallen Moon. He was previously just "Crescent". Eclipse Pride. Crowned 11/4/16 at 8 years, 7 months.
You bump chests with Crescent. He's your bro!

Crescent is quite stoic and definitely the strong and silent type. At the same time, he's not imposing. His position calls for respect, but he does not harshly enforce it. He's kind and understanding. It's common knowledge that he dislikes fighting, but this won't stop him from defending his pride if it comes down to it. He's respectful to the pride members and never makes any remarks that should be left unsaid. Being even-tempered, it's rare to see him displaying any strong emotion

Appearance garbo

Base: Ebony (Black nose)
Eyes: Green
Mane Type: Regal
Mane Color: Hallowed
Mutation: None

Markings: Onyx Vitiligo (54%)
Onyx Siamese (40%)
Vitiligo 5 (40%)
Vitiligo 3 (25%)
Onyx Tips (74%)
Vitiligo 7 (84%)