


4 years, 7 months ago


More detailed info + backstory can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rLoO-eOy--qhS5f4DFH0owzRz72bp6s_rRrS8DzbmS0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Fan character for my friend's visual novel Galaktika Gamble- Stellars are a closed species belonging to them! 

Stellar - a kind of cosmic god. Each Stellar is connected to a star with which they share their name, life span and hair/eye/blood color. Every 1000 years, if a mortal is making a wish while looking at a star, the connected Stellar will be summoned and help fulfill this wish.

 Regulus is the Stellar of Alpha Leonis, the brightest star of the Leo constellation, and the constellation's leader. He is every bad stereotype people have about Leos: self-centered, attention seeking and incredibly arrogant, but also very charming, strong-willed and a lot smarter than he seems to be (which still doesn't say a lot but...you know)

• Stellars have a set of rules, and he has probably broken every one of them at this point 

•has an inexplainable desire to piss people off, is very cocky and loves watching other people's lives going downhill, especially when it's about love drama

sadly he is also very powerful, so he gets away with it (most of the time) 

•likes music, theater, sunny weather and cats


Altair is his mentor who basically raised him. As he grew older, he increasingly started to disrespect her and the values she tried to teach him, which ended in them fighting a lot, and Altair being the reason he got punished for his misdeeds. He still hasn't entirely forgiven her, and oftentimes takes jabs at her pride.

 ✏️Design notes✏️ 

-slim, but muscular build 

-two beauty marks under left eye, on the right shoulder, left elbow, and right knee, as well as under his belly button 

-light blue orbs on his outfit are stardust containers, they are half-spheres filled with stars


I Will Be King - The Hoosiers

Glory - The Score

Poor George - James Supecave