


4 years, 7 months ago


Hayate is a "sky siren" like Souma, though he's a slightly different strain. While still a bat person, his people have developed a slightly better tolerance to the sun, which lets them function well enough in twilight rather than being wholly confirmed to full night time. While the sunlight is still harsh on his eyes, with proper eye protection he can also avoid overheating, as well. His underlying defense scent is 'spice', and is often prone to triggering memories of warmth and safety in those he may feel threatened by, hopefully lulling them into lowering their guard.

Hayate's a quieter sort, observant and friendly. Unlike Souma, who he encounters during travels to see the world, he's well aware of what he is and what dangers there are for his kind. The small number who know of them covet the sky sirens for their scent glands, it's thought that distilling their contents will grant the ability they have on the person who wears the resulting concoction...but in truth, the process destroys the pheromone within the scent, and it's a senseless process. Sadly, superstition is a strong thing, and Hayate's the last of his own colony. He finds Souma to be naive...but charming. As such, he strikes up a friendship with the younger bat and decides to try and protect him from the harsher things in life...which is easier said than done when Souma's naively gotten into all sorts of trouble anyhow.