


4 years, 10 months ago




Clarence 'Clark' Fynch
Nicknames: Formally goes by Fynch. Mom was the one who started calling him Clark.
Gender: Male
Age: 32yrs
Faction: Investigator
Rank: (Ass)istant
Breed: Airedale terrier
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Mate: Non currently, Fynch may be self-assured but he'll be wary about letting his emotional guard down. Also, seems to develope self-sabotaging behaviors when relationships start getting real serious.
Quote; ''You were about to offer me some whisky, right?''
Height: 60cm // 23in
Weight: 25kg // 55lb



Color/Patterns: Fynch's coat is thick and wiry.
Eye color: Dark brown
Body Structure/Particular features: Working type body, compact, stable and solid; Fynch is not particularly strong but has a high endurance level, build up for resistance-be it swimming, running or jumping, Fynch can do it faster and longer than anyone. What he lacks in strenght he has in wits and speed. Fynch was blessed with high tolerance to both alcohol and pain. Face is very expressive.
**Note: Body is bigger and sturdier than the common airedale. Ears and paws look heavier as well. Tail has a slight curb.  
Body mannerisms: Fynch moves in a free energetic way. Staying still for too long tends to be a challenge, he probably has some nervous tics like leg boucing or ear twitching
Scent: Cigar smoke and cologne with a fresh hint of sweat
Voice: Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor // another one
Speech: Fast (sometimes too fast), energetic and expressive- he often talks to himself when distracted/thinking. Makes littles sounds and noises just about all the time. (check ''another one'' voice link!)   


Fynch is an exposed nerve.  
Poor impulse control easily drives him into dangerous situations  

Positive traits: 
Confident ; Fynch takes pride in what he does, being part of law-enforcement is a big deal for him. He really has a very glorified look of himself. He will rarely ever second guess himself and  best part about a challenge is telling everyone he got out on top.
Daring; Fynch loves atenttion. Countless are the time he has risked his life in order to come out as the hero- admiration is the sea he swims in, praise is the air he breathes. It's not really doing the right thing as much as getting to show off what he really likes. He will get himself into unecessarily dangerous situation if it means people will talk about it. He might be way far up his own ass but he is no coward and won't hesitate to run into a flaming building- specially if a ton of people are watching while he saves the damsel in distress.
Intelligent ; 'Yeah, I can solve it' ;; He loves puzzles! the guy is clever and is usually able to find a way our or around a problem; he always seems to have a plan and if he doesn't, hell, he'll make one. Sometimes, and mostly in time sensitive situations, he won't really think about the consequences before acting. It's all about winning, anything else can be dealt with later.
Passionate // Heroic ; Fynch is devoted to anything he puts his heart into. He is intense about everything he gets himself involved and never backs down on a challenge. He is focused and hard working, and a surprisingly good work partner once he's found a rythm that suits him. Fynch will go lenghts for a close one in trouble.
Efficient // Hard working ; 'You're either the best or your nothing at all.' ;;  With a high energy level and great hunger for fame, Fynch turns out to be surprisingly good at the job.  The harder it gets, the bigger the thrill. 

Neutral traits: 
Assertive // Dominant ; Fynch has an abrassive personality, he is confident, forceful and possessive.
Intense // Reactive // Violent ; Fynch hates losing- he will absolutely do anything in his paw to avoid defeat. He can be short-temepered and easily angered to the point where he can be violent/abusive. Emotional outburst like these are a common for him, specially during particularly intense cases. It is during this state of mind when he tends to make decisions by impulse, he rarely sleeps or eats while in the middle of any good case- Fynch looses sight of himselft and even the most dangerous feats can seem worth it if they get him his win.
Willing; Fynch will get you things done. Highly adaptable in a lot of senses; he can work alone as he can work with a partner or under instructions. He won't go with a smile, but he will do it.
Restless // Hyper-focused ; 'I'm into kidnap cases now- I've read those fifteen file boxes but I wonder if i could find more down in the archive...' ;; Fynch is a highly energetic dog -it's one of his major personality traits and one of the reasons he is on this bussiness. He can't stand being bored and is pretty much unable to relax so all that energy would often turn in anxiety if he didn't do anything with it -during his childhood it would almost always result on him getting in all sorts of trouble around but now as an adult he gets his kick out of the job. He's always doing something. Note; whatever his special interest is, he focuses on it to the point of turning into an unhealthy obsession.
Humorous // Mocking; Who doesn't enjoy some playful mocking? All harmless of course, Fynch has no boundaries and a strange sense of humor, don't be surprised if you hear him giggle in the middle of a crime scene.

Negative traits:
Arrogant // Unlikeable; 'An insult? Not the first one. And coming from you? More like a compliment if you ask me.' ;; Unpleasantly self-important. Fynch will rarely ever accept on being wrong and, honestly, he can be quite a dick sometimes. It's not like he's deliberately trying- he just happens to be like that. He starts off as hard to love but if you give him some time he'll grow on you. Probably. And with some effort from your part mostly.
Messy ; He is Not Organized- his apartment and office are the best example; he sleeps on his couch because his bed is full of boxes and papers; both office and apartment are just crowded with closed case files, old documents and all sorts of garbage. Anyone would feel claustrophobic living in there but Fynch couldn't care less- he rarely ever is in his apartment other than to sleep anyways, and its not like it matters, as long as he has his files, a cork board and some tape, he'll do just right.  
Obsessive ; ' Haven't slept in days, I'm busy.' ;; He gets obsessed to an unhealthy lenght. When Fynch involves himself in something he does it intensely- he will run after a criminal until his mouth tastes like blood and he can't feel his paws- he'll stare sleepless at those files until he cracks the case open- and he'll often forget to eat while being too bussy thinking. This hyper focus is another big character trait for him.
Acquisitive; 'I'm simply attemping to gain some relevance here' ;; His favorite part about the job isn't really getting to help out other dogs, he doesn't sleep sound at night because knows he's with the Good Guys - All he wan't is the sweet fame. He happens to enjoy the reward more than the good deed. Happiness in money. Isn't that how it goes?
Opinionated ; While not being close-minded, Fynch has strong opinions and is very loyal to his own personal rules. He follows his gut.
Prejudicial ; 'Predjudice is a great time saver' ;; Fynch will definitely make an opinion of you based on your breed or the way you look before even getting to know you. He also seems to use fame as a calculator of one's worth.

Developing traits: 

Unforgiving, Resentful, Spiteful ; ''I don't want to work with him- saw he made a wrong guess on a case last month.'' ;; Lately it's been taking him a while to get over some things- maybe he's getting older or maybe his obsessiveness is getting out of hand.
Critical ; 'How many mistakes can you make in one day?' ;; Its all part of being better than the other, their mistakes tend to stand out more.

As much as he hates to admit it he isn't very good on his own- Fynch needs strong guidance and discipline At All Times or else he turns into a fucking disaster



Pre-group history:





-''Won't say no to that glass of whisky you were just about to offer,''

- ''Don't call me Clarence.'

-Big car fanatic, he finds them attractive and incredibly interesting. 

-Prone to jealousy.