


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Past Names

Mosskit, Mosspaw




Cis Female


She/Her, plural they if referring to both of them

Age (moons)



Slightly lower-pitched, somewhat monotone/Slightly lower-pitched, somewhat melodic


Skyclan Warrior


Heterosexual Biromantic (male preference)/Asexual Aromantic

Theme Song

Evelyn Evelyn- A Campaign of Shock and Awe


"It doesn't matter anymore, Mossflame. They're in Starclan, and I can't get them back..." / "... Bah! What power does Starclan have here, anyways? Focus on the now, Mosswater, not Silverpelt."


Mosswater and Mossflame are not one cat, but rather two cats in the same body, for reasons unknown beyond that an omen foretold it. Their pelt and eye colors change depending on who is controlling the body at any one time. 

Mosswater, the gray-and-white molly with brown eyes, is sharp-tongued, sarcastic, and generally tired. Despite her outwardly harsh and somewhat bitter persona, she’s truly just a lonely cat with usually only Mossflame to keep her company due to her attitude. She has the capability to be nice, and shows this somewhat often, but tends to keep this hidden because of one reason: Her fears to get attached to yet another cat after the loss of her mate and kit.

Mossflame, the ginger-and-white molly with blue eyes, is impulsive and antagonistic. Unlike Mosswater, her bitterness is intentionally trying to irritate the cats around her for her own entertainment, and that includes poor Mosswater. She has a very loose interpretation of the warrior code, only using the ones that suit her, and also has a limited faith in Starclan (she believes they exist, but they aren’t as important as cats make them out to be). Despite this, she can and will defend Mosswater and other cats of her clan with ferocity if needed, and has even admitted to enjoying Mosswater’s company despite her verbal hatred for her. 

Mosskit- the name used for both of them- were born to Sunmask and Cobrafang in a shockingly large and sickly litter of 6, though they were the only ones to survive past a moon. Despite Cobrafang and the medicine cat, Mudshadow, being given an omen that Mosskit “had both a blaze and a lake in her heart,” the fact that she was two kits in one was not realized at all during their kithood, and the change of colors was dismissed by other cats as a trick of the light and shadows. That was, until their apprenticeship ceremony. As they were given their apprentice name, the Mosspaw nobody knew, one with blue eyes, hissed to her clan about how she existed and that she was tired of being treated again to the one with brown eyes. This came as a shock to the Clan, especially the medicine cat’s apprentice, Rowanpaw. After having a dream of the Mosspaws fighting, she interpreted that Mosspaw wasn’t supposed to exist, and attempted to feed Mosspaw deathberries. The blue-eyed Mosspaw, however, noticed this, and killed Rowanpaw for it. Because of the nature of the situation, Mosspaw went without punishment. Moons later, Mosspaw got two separate warrior names for each cat: the brown-eyed one became Mosswater, and the blue-eyed one became Mossflame. The two both proved themselves to be capable warriors. Mosswater soon became close with a cat named Moonfern, and later became mates with him. Mossflame didn’t like him quite as much, because he was, in her opinion, a “cleanpaw who thinks sucking up to Mosswater will let his bloodline live.” If Mossflame was correct with her statement, he succeeded: he and Mosswater had a single kit, Spottedkit. Mosswater adored both her mate and kit, while Mossflame only tolerated the kit for Mosswater’s sake. Of course, tragedy would strike after two moons, as a starving fox broke into the nursery. The fox attacked Spottedkit despite the molly’s attempts to protect her kit. Being the only queen in the nursery, she was overpowered, but Moonfern bolted in to defend his mate and kit. He and Mosswater managed to kill the fox, but only Mosswater survived the ordeal. After this, she entered a depression, and soon had to rely on Mossflame to do warrior duties properly. Moons after, she is slowly becoming functional again, but is still very bitter and upset over everything. Mossflame, on the other hand, well… She’s as well as she always has been, especially now that there was no kit to take care of or mate to talk to, nothing in the way of her goals of being the best warrior she could possibly be.