Hope's Comments

Anybody from my Toyhouse?

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Do any characters here interest you?


I'm willing to do characters worth more if any interest you! :3

Do I have anyone in my for sale folder that interests you for her ? I absolutely adore her design.

Anyone in my th interest you? You could choose a few if needed!

I’ve also got this bean https://toyhou.se/13084510.nesryn

Would she interest you in a trade?

What minimum $$$ amount you would accept for her?

Not sure how I didn't see this comment, I apologize.
I had paid over the listed price, but am fine with the price she's listed at presently (lowered because I just need to gtfo of this present household situation.)

I’m sorry for late reply! Would you consider 350$?

I would. I would consider 300 to 350. whatever works for you