


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Male (He/him)


Young Adult







Masterlist Number



Swayed by the Eather when he was just a child, Jude has lived as a Cetus Caster practically his entire life; he doesn't really remember much about his time before being transformed into a Cetus. Due to the stigma surrounding such Casters, Jude was shunned by community, and so he remained lost, alone, and feared throughout his time in Caprian seas. A tremendous midnight storm, however, swept Jude from the eather-filled waters to the shores near Cowpea, where a Kryptox named Hum found him the next morning washed up on the beach. Hum brought the beat-up Caster to Frey and Brilla, who took him in as one of their own. At first, Jude cowered in fear and refused to speak to most Griffian's at the Misfits' Repsite, for he was ashamed of his nature as a Cetus and wreaked with guilt over his fears, his past mistakes, and the "burden" and "nuisance" he was for his caretakers. Piper was the only Griffian who could break Jude out of his shell; her gentle and patient demeanor and her warm, always cheerful calmed him down and caused the Caster to feel more comfortable at his new home. The two became like brother and sister; Jude began to follow Piper around like a puppy until she finally showed him that he would be safe by himself. Once Jude became more outgoing and independent, he began to assist any staff member of the Misfits' Respite that needed help in the moment; he was never given a specific job but wished to repay his caretakers for all of their kindness. Upon seeing Jude open up, Frey and Brilla gifted him a Shapeshifter Fruit, which allowed him to change into a Bagbean. This form was comforting to the Caster; it just felt right to him, like he was finally in the right skin or body. Even though most Griffians in Cowpea would be understanding about Cetus nature, Jude now prefers his Bagbean form and keeps his original form a secret. This may change, however, when a new Bagbean unexpectedly arrives in town and steals his heart... 

Soulmate: Drifa the Bagbean

Companion: Carinae the Mangeroo

+ Gentle- Full of Guilt / Shame
+ Always repays others' kindness / generosity- Completely Lacks Self-Confidence
+ Curious- Scared of strangers / Anti-Social
+ Sweet / Kind- Easily Flustered or Overwhelmed
+ Understanding - Frustrated often