Iolroth Therathiel



4 years, 7 months ago


Iolroth Therathiel

76 ✦ Male ✦ Mayor



From when Iolroth could first remember, he had always grown up in the city of Ritardando with his parents. He went to the most prestigious schools with other elven children and was always the top of his class. For the majority of his childhood he was only ever exposed to elves like himslef, so when he first saw a tiefling he remembered the curiosity that had caught him when he noticed them. His parents described to Iolroth not to interact with the person, as the horns a tiefling meant that they were evil. He asked if there were similar races, and learned about the existence of the drow and orcs as well as other races. From then on Iolroth scowled at any raced that was deemed 'evil' or 'inferior'.

As he continued learning, he stumbled upon being able to use magic from a young age, soon learning how to control it and cast spells. As a teen he would use it to bully anyone inferior to him, laughing as they would jump into a fountain to put out the teal fire on their arses. In his late teens he began to practice more in depth magic, becoming quite a competent sorceror over the years as he continued to train.

While in his late 100's, Iolroth found some darker tomes within the confines of his family's library. Excited to read what they contained, he began to study them, hoping for more powerful spells to cast. What he found was indeed stronger, however the spells were some of the most forbidden amongst the world. Even so, he studied them eager to become powerful. The next day, he was eager to show his friends and family the power he had gained, but only ended up sapping the strength from his parents. They were bedridden for three days, passing on the dawn of the fourth, devastating Iolroth. During the funeral he vowed never to touch the tomes again, and inherited all that his parents owned. However it wasn't long before the promise of more power spoke to Iolroth once more.

In Iolroth's 200's he bacame the mayor's advisor, and eagerly took up the position for the pay and influence he could have. Soon he learned though that he and the mayor had very different views on how Ritardando should have been run. Though Iolroth had promsed never to touch the tomes that killed his parents, he knew the power to influence the mayor lied within their pages, so he delved into them again. Sure enough, he found the power he sought out, and used his magic to change they mayors mind on decisions. In fact, it was going so well that Iolroth began to study the tomes more, finding his childlike wonder once more for the dark secrets the books held.

Iolroth continued to practice in secret, while also manipulating the mayor into doing what he wished. It wasn't until he met a drow woman that he began to appreciate other things in life. Together they conversed deeply about magic and the universe, and Iolroth took great joy in her company. So much so that he developed deep feelings for her, and had an intimate relationship with her. Things were going well until she told him that she had been engaged to another man, and had to end it with Iolroth. Iolroth was crushed, and let his anger fester into a horrid revenge plot.

Iolroth gathered a group of high elves and together they raided the family's home, burning it to the ground and eradicating any trace that they existed. He was satisfied, and soon became the mayor of the city, easily able to shape it how he saw fit. He still presides over the town despite his age.


Iolroth has long black greying hair that falls in thin strands to his shoulders, and is loosely tied in the back. He has dark green eyes, and pale skin that is tinted teal at his extremities. Often he will wear dark green or teal robes over a matching vest. Underneath he wears a white cotton shirt, and grey trousers that tuck into shiny black leather boots. He also wears long skin tight gloves with silver bracers to aid him in his magic casting. 


"They are sheep, unaware of their imminent slaughter."

  • Studying Dark Magic
  • Tea
  • Philosophy
  • Being in Control
  • Manipulation
  • 'Inferior' Races
  • Petty Drama
  • Maintaining His Reputation
  • Thieves
  • Messes

Luciferia Ithilwen

Iolroth met Luciferia when she had moved into the town, and they both had a shared interest in the dark art of magic, often both enjoying conversing together about the subject. They developed a deep relationship together, until Iolroth discovered she lied to him and was marrying another man. As a result, Iolroth murdered her, burning her home to the ground.



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