


4 years, 7 months ago


Chrysanthe is a cow who lives in Irhynam, always has. She's big on a lot of Metal music, and a musician and artist. Most the time you can catch her out and about at the Entertainment District, the hub of music and arts in Irhynam. For art, she draws a lot of stuff you'd expect to see on a metal album. Skeletons, stuff like that. But she doesn't just limit herself there, it's just her strength. Bands from both Irhynam and elsewhere commission her to do art for them, from demos to full albums. She's also pretty supportive of the live gigs, and it's not rare to see her in the crowds for a lot of gigs of varying sizes. There's cases on some special events she might be the only one checking out a band that might be new.

Outside of her art, she does her own music. She however tends to record at home, where she has her guitar and bass and records those parts, using FL Studio and the EZDrummer VST for drums, as she's not really got the room for a kit of her own. So far she does release what she does under her own name, and they tend to be various covers, as this is just a side hobby for her. She's been practicing writing her own songs as well, but isn't quite there yet. She's also not really one to play on any stage live. She's not afraid to, it's just not really something for her, she doesn't know why. She'll gladly jam with anyone who wants to, though.

She first heard metal all throughout her childhood. Her dad was definitely into the classics, and she just loved what she heard. This stayed with her as she was also then old enough to really start forming her own tastes. The internet was just starting out during this time, but after all, she did live in Irhynam, she was seeing live gigs pretty regularly. Not every band played gigs she could get into, but there were quite a few that were outdoors. And naturally as the internet evolved, and she talked to like minded people, she found more modern bands, and that really shapes her tastes these days. The internet really also connected her globally to new bands, some she has since seen, and others she'd like to. Though, also many she'd never get the chance to. A past time of hers is going on the Metal Archives, and randomly finding bands through it's random band button when she wants to mix it up. It's not always possible to find the band you get, but when you do, you can get some real gold.