Unimportant Charas



4 years, 7 months ago


Series of characters that are dead/very minor that I know exist and aren't important enough to get their own page. So they get little blurb profiles all together


Emmy Vinewarm

She/Her - Straight - Inigo's Mom

A shy but compassionate girl that grew up with her parents in a small farming town. While in the Phiran capital of Roclund, she met a charismatic young ice user named James Frostwind. The two hit it off, and soon after had their son Inigo. After a few years James went back into the military however, and couldn't spend much time with the family, leaving Emmy to raise Inigo practically by herself. She's still alive.

James Frostwind

He/Him - Straight - Inigo's dad

A young man who has always lived in the big city. Had his son Inigo with his wife Emmy, but didn't get to spend much time with him. He did take a few years out of the military to raise his boy, but he always felt compelled to go back with his (misguided) trust in the government. He always had a picture of his family in his pocket and he loved showing it off to people. He died during a rebellion on one of the isles to the far east of Phir.

Luna Xairayg

They/Them - Questioning - Xavier's Sibling

Xavier's younger sibling that died of starvation. They were told all their life while living with Xavier that they never needed to do anything, so they never super learned how to survive on their own. They died when Xavier was out on a mission for a gang for food for too long, and since they had it drilled into their head that they didn't need to do anything, they starved. They never got to come into their own.

Mary Floodpool

She/Her - Bi - Claire's ex gf

Mary is ambitious, strong-willed, and determined. She used to be a part of a small rebel group in a northern Phiran town fighting against the oppressive government. Claire and her hit it off, despite the fact that Claire was meant to crush the rebellion group. When the rebel's attack goes terribly wrong, Mary and Claire decide to count their loses and travel to Tugon to start a new life together. Mary catches a terrible disease that makes her perpetually use her water powers, and she dies from it, before they get far into Tugon.

Isaac Boltcloud

He/Him - Gay - Inigo's ex bf

A small town busy-body that joined the military to make some money for his siblings. He's fun loving and goofy, and incredibly critical of the Phiran government. He made friends with Inigo and the two fell in love. Despite them not agreeing totally on the government on politics. Isaac died during the same rebellion wher Mary and Claire ran away. The government actually had him killed because of his criticism, but the general public blamed it on the rebels, including Inigo.


He/Him - Pan - Tugon's Brother

The god's first kid, and the first person to use any kind of elemental power. He's a direct ancestor to Hugo. He's goofy, and loves attention on him. He and his sibling got along a lot. But as more gods started to have children with elemental powers, Phir was a hug target that they felt needed to be crushed. He was killed by a child of the Water God, but his descendents lived on with his power. He is why people with elemental powers are called Phirans.

Duarte Smokefollow

He/They - Gay - Former Phiran Delegate

Grumpy and grouchy former Phiran Delegate. He had a secret relationship with the other delegate Charlie, that was kept under wraps. At the start of the story he's accused of murdering Charlie, which sparks the war between the two countries. Currently he's in phir under house arrest until the government decides what to do with him.

Charlie Prosth

He/Him - Pan - Former Tugonian Delegate

Goofy and open, Charlie was the former Tugonian Delegate. He had a secret relationship with Duarte that was kept under wraps. He was murderd by Sonia when she was pretending to be Duarte. His death sparked the war between Tugon and Phir which sets off the whole plot of the story.

Margaret Bronzewillow

She/Her - Straight/Demi - Hugo's Grandma

Margaret met Collin at an protest against the government. However, their terrible experience at the protest forced them to turn their life around and become loyal after having Claire. They current live in the Phiran capital, not even knowing they have a grandson. Margaret is completely loyal to the government, and just want her and her husband to be safe.

Collin Breezecloud

He/Him - Straight - Hugo's Grandpa

Collin met Margaret at an protest against the government. However, their terrible experience at the protest forced them to turn their life around and become loyal after having Claire. They current live in the Phiran capital, not even knowing they have a grandson. Collin is still incredibly critical of the government, but keeps it to himself to make sure his family stays as safe as they can.