


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Fifer
Sex                                                   Bi (Fluxar/Blank)
Age 17
DoB 4/1/xx
GenderMahner (He/Him)
SO Looking
Height Average
Build Skinny
BloodAnimal Green
Origin Flaxen "Yellow" City
Occupation Student
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Demeanor Brat

"It's okay to not be okay..."


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Optomistic Generous Mature Secretive Jaded Vindictive





Meg became very rebellious when she hit puberty, and it's when she started having trouble deciding which pronouns she'd go by, since she was born a taetor. She started writing more stories, finally finding a knack and love for it, and wrote some very depressing stories while she was a teenager. One time she left the house secretly to try and make some teenager friends after their school let out. When she left her mansion, it was not what she was expecting. Everything was so big and intimidating and when she got to the school, she was having a panic attack. Meg was helped out by a kind school girl who noticed how she was behaving. The school girl, named Piper, calmed Meg down and took her to get some ice cream to comfort her. They both ended up talking a lot, and they became friends right away. Eventually, they ended up dating for a while too, but Meg became very clingy towards Piper and her gender confusion was preventing her from pursuing a relationship with Piper. Piper understood this, and after they called off their relationship, Meg eventually realized that she looked up to Piper and decided she would like to be called a female as well. Piper was really flattered and really happy for Meg, and they stayed best friends.


Meg moved out of her parents house when collage started. She stayed in a dinky apartment and when she wasn't working towards her business major, she was writing a series somewhat based on her teenage struggles. After college, she started a independent publication for her books and release her first series, which became an immediate hit for young adult readers. However great her success was, Meg fell into a depression around this time because she had thrown herself into her work and after it was finished, she didn't know what was left and if the next book would be as good. That's around the time that she stumbled into a humble physic shop. She went there since she heard the readings were pretty accurate, and Meg wanted to see how her next book would do. Instead, she found the love of her life, the stoic shop keep named Uno.

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