Jamie Whales (Jaime hero alter)



10 months, 15 days ago



TBD. Considering it be the name the aliens gave him.. Bashard or smthn


Can see about 5 minutes into the future. He's able to see beyond that time but the "visions" will become harder to "see" the farther out he tries to see. His shoes allow him to step in midair. His cloak allows him to become invisible. He's able to read minds.


Would he use weapons? Probably not. I see him as the type to utilize his surroundings to incapacitate his targets.  


He often acts as a warning system for the hero team thanks to his fewcha vision, alerting them of incoming attacks and such

Origin story

A good portion of his childhood was spent being raised by aliens. His humans were pretty neglectful busy with rich people stuff so much so they didn't notice he had been abducted. The aliens instantly took a liking towards Jamie who at a young age was an exceptional child. He'd preform symphonies on the piano for the aliens, enchant them with magic tricks, and astonish them by being able to answer complex equations they showed him. They were also impressed by his compassion and optimism. Proving to them he was what they considered a model human they allowed him to learn about greater concepts, even guiding him in unlocking powers such as future vision and mind reading. They eventually sent him back to earth in hopes he would share this knowlage. However he was met with ridicule by his peers. His parents took pity on him thinking the neglect made him crazy and they opted to keep him home to try and recover his sanity.