Jayne "Jay" Aaralyn



4 years, 6 months ago



Jayne “Jay” Aaralyn-Grybloom

“Commander Grybloom” - “The Butcher” - “Ol’ Blue Eyes” - “The Commander”

Jay is an immortal, a soldier in her day, and it’s all she’s ever known.  She’s the lancer of the story, a person who has shed too much blood for one pair of hands, been given wounds that should have ended her life, seen for too much for one mind to handle.  Despite all this, she has an innate caring in her, a motherly air and a protectiveness towards those she finds herself caring for, seeing such people as her children, but hiding it behind behind a wall of cold bricks, a sociopathic disconnect with reality, and a tendency - one common in her people - to not connect with those unfamiliar.  She starts off the story as cold, brusk, and no-nonsense, a person who’s stopped caring who she hurts, because they’ll all die before her anyway.  Her journey is a slow one, one of realizing there is still a life to live.

324 (physically appears closer to her 40s), born in 357 I.E.

Bisexual/Demigender Female.

Positive Traits:
Courageous, dependable, disciplined, fearless, honest, motherly, observant, orderly, patient, persistent, rational.

Negative Traits:
Callous, controlling, deceitful, destructive, hypercritical, inconsiderate, reckless, stubborn, unstable, vindictive.

Random Quirks:
Equinophobic (fear of horses).  Still uses out of date terms (ex. hoi, noontide, fortnight, mockingbird, vulture).  Hates having her hair touched.  Always knows which direction she’s walking in and the time of day.  Has a major sailor’s tongue.  Very high pain tolerance, and tends to give little care for her health.  Uptight and disciplined, but yet a very giggly drunk.

Religious Status:

Atheist (something common for dream-walkers).

Nationality/Place Of Birth:
Eastern, originally from the outer edge of the Eastern Capital.

Places Of Residence:
Aaralyn family home on the third ring of the Eastern capital (during childhood), Eastern barracks (during teenage years into her 20s), Eastern palace (had a space on the palace edge she and her husband were granted), Lakeside Village (after the East’s fall).

Egret and Sora Aaralyn (paternal grandparents), Crane and Doli Aaralyn (parents), Heron Aaralyn (uncle), Crow Aaralyn (cousin), Neka Grybloom (late husband), Finch Aaralyn (adopted son).

Soldier/Commander, Lightkeeper, Mercenary.

Building, exercising, fighting, hunting, organizing, reading (fiction for the most part), training.

 Carpentry, deception, leadership, logic, sewing, strategizing, survival, swordsmanship, tracking.

She’s fueled by her hatred, by revenge, a need to destroy those who destroyed those she’s loved.photo-1518531933037-91b2f5f229cc.jpg