
4 years, 7 months ago


Liza - Living Doll

Quick Notes:

-A fancy 'doll' from the city. Because of the way she's made she was animated in stop motion instead of being puppet-ed like the rest of the cast. This can be alarming to those who don't know her. This also means she does not have strings like the others.

-All of her joints are made with ball joints instead of pin joints. She even has a ball joint in her waist for extra movement! She's incredibly flexible because of this. Sometimes the elastic in her joints gets old and breaks, so she may have limbs just "pop off" from time to time. Can be easily repaired.

-She was raised in the northeast, but most of her early childhood was in England. She sometimes still shows this accent, but only around those she's totally comfortable around. Everyone else gets her 'tough girl voice' which is a wild 'western' american accent.

-She tends to be distrusting of men.


She comes from a prominent (read: rich) family in her city. Growing up she wanted for nothing and was doted upon. She was even sent to a private finishing school. She kept up with the latest fashion, had designer bags and shoes, was able to travel as she pleased, and was always dolled up for the occasion of life. Liza's life couldn't be better.

Until one day a wait staff walked in on her and a 'friend from college' getting a little to intimate.

She doesn't blame the girl. It was really a "me or her" situation and her friend chose herself. Liza's not entirely sure she wouldn't have chosen herself had she been given a chance to.

She was accused of being a deviant. That it had all been her idea (it was mutual). That there was something not quite right.

Her family secured her a stay at a 'rehabilitation center'. Liza wasn't stupid. They were sending her to the nut house. 

Because she had initially gone willingly, the wagon she was in was much nicer than what she had seen other's in. And by that she thought it had way less security. As she watched the scenery, she saw a family preparing for the great journey west. She'd heard about the west. It seemed like an easy enough place to disappear. Certainly whatever would befall her out in the west it would be better than an indefinite stay wherever she was going. All while being called crazy and a sexual deviant.

All it took was a single leap of faith. She still had some cash on her, her family wasn't about to let her be completely forgotten.

After losing the two coach drivers that had been escorting her, she bought a rifle, a pair of nice boots, and a train ticket west.

She now lives on the outskirts of town, on her own little ranch. She's gotten really good with her rifle, and can easily defend herself from any threats that show up inside her fence.