B'hiia Embershadow



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: B'hiia Embershadow
Type: Tabaxi
Variant: Tiger
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Rogue
Size: Medium
Clan name: The Red River Clan
Age: 26
Height: 6'8
Weight: 90lbs

- Collects plants in her journal (Squishes the flowers/plants between the pages) and draws monsters she comes in contact with (Artistic/good at drawing/sketching)
- Can sleep in any position/anywhere
I- Extremely drawn to stories and legends
- Do NOT touch her tail (She will fight you)

Personality Traits:

- She eagerly injects herself into the unknown (she is a very curious soul)
- She is quiet and reserved, but observant. Nothing escapes her attention. 


- Kinship: Family is the most important in life. THough she may be far from her own, the bonds of the family must be protected. 


- She carries a trinket that spiritually and emotionally ties her to her people and home


- I have absolutely no patience for slowpoke and those who provide indecisiveness


B'hiia left her clan 8 years ago to go on her of age quest to find amazing things and stories for her clan. She has yet to return home, due to the fact that every time she finds a great adventure or story, she gets sucked into learning about something else. (To be continued)