🐩 | Beverly



4 years, 6 months ago



60-70 (Ageless) ✦ Female ✦ Slasher



Beverly was part of what was quite literally a project to create the perfect woman in the eyes of the people from the era she was born in, which was basically just a woman who made children, and did nothing but clean the house and cook for the husband. You’d could say the “trigger” for her would be whenever she saw herself as sort of a symbol for the project in an advertisement. This idea that she was made to do nothing but serve quite literally broke her, which is when her killing started. The one time she got caught and put on trial, she was found innocent, but it caused backlash for the company who started the project tore the whole thing down. She went into hiding after that, and that was likely when she met the rest of her "family". This is also why she looks like such a beautiful woman, because she was quite literally made to be one, like a doll.


Beverly is a caucasian woman with light blonde hair and blue-green eyes. she stands at 5'8 and has an hourglass shape to her body, with a tight waist likely thanks to a corest, and wide hips along with large breasts. She nearly always has her face coated in makeup, and her nails painted. Her feral form is a Pomeranian with the same hair and eyes, pink paw pads, and a curly tail


"A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl's best friend."

  • Children
  • Cooking and cleaning
  • Corsets
  • Makeup and perfumes
  • Cash money, Honey
  • Most adult men, unless she is using them for money or for other gain.
  • Dolls, it reminds her of herself
  • Rodents
  • Robots, also reminds her of herself
  • Dirt and trash


• Beverly is great at voice acting, being able to go from deep and seductive voices to high pitched giddy ones, she uses this as a tactic to catch her victims by intimidating a female they love or care for.

• To go along with her voice acting, Beverly can also cry on queue and is great at manipulation.

• Beverly dreamed of being an actress in her younger days

• Her voice claim is Marilyn Monroe.

profile html by Hukiolukio