


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Sanctus
Abilities None
Species Fox
Gender Female
Creator Umbral-Calamity
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • Has tiny wings that can't do anything
  • Her wings only serve as a sign of her royalty
  • Usually wears a raincoat, but also has a sweater
  • Has markings on her face, tail, ears, and legs

Sanctus is very quiet and shy and has a hard time making friends. She is very kind, sweet, and polite to those she encounters due to her upbringing. She offers help to anyone who needs it. However, because of her overly caring nature, she often gets taken advantage of. She can be a little slow and doesn't often realize people's intentions. She is also gullible due to her trusting nature.


  • Loves to cook and bake for others and is very good at it
  • Does her best to not show when she is hurting because she doesn't want others to worry about her
  • May not seem like it, but is very emotionally strong
  • Is able to endure a lot of hardships and still come out okay
  • Shy around new people, but is able to be herself when people get to know her

Sanctus grew up in royalty. She was the princess of a far off and secluded land and was betrothed to a handsome prince. She was happy and she couldn't be more excited for her wedding day. However, as the wedding date drew closer, her prince started to show his true side. He was abusive both emotionally and physically and often forced himself on Sanctus. The inhabitants of the castle knew what the prince was doing to Sanctus, yet they turned a blind eye as it wasn't their business. Sanctus became absolutely fearful of her wedding and the evening of the day before the event, she confessed to her parents what she had been going through and begged them to call off the wedding. However, her parents also knew what was happening and, even though they claimed it pained them to see their daughter going through so much, they said that the wedding must go on "for the benefit of the kingdom".

Sanctus, feeling utterly betrayed by her parents and fearful of her future husband, decided to renounce her royalty, cut her hair so that she could be less recognizable, and ran away from home.  Her wings are also a sign of her royalty, however she can not get rid of them, as they are apart of her since her birth, so she had to do her best to dress in robes that hide her wings. Sanctus had to learn how to do things on her own instead of having everything being done for her and she learned that she quite enjoyed baking and was good at it. She realizes that she is much happier living a normal life rather then a royal one. She used what money she brought from her home to support herself with food and clothes until she eventually found Ember and Ryu living peacefully away from society. She was taken in by the two of them and is happy to show her gratitude by cooking and baking for them.


  • Cooking
  • Sleeping
  • Rain and thunderstorms
  • Cute things
  • Being cozy
  • Quiet and calm settings
  • Spring
  • Animals
  • Sweets (especially cheesecake)

  • Rude and loud folks
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Showing her hurt
  • Being the center of attention
  • Speaking up

Ember | Close friend

Sanctus was saved by Ember from some town thugs when she was poor and begging on the streets. Because of this, Sanctus is quite grateful to Ember and has grown very close to her. Sanctus is happy to cook and bake for Ember, especially since Ember loves her food and to show her gratitude. Sanctus finds Ember kind of dumb but very funny and kind and is happy to call her a friend. Sanctus feels very safe whenever Ember is around.

Ryu | Friend

Sanctus was originally very nervous and a bit afraid around Ryu and her harsh demeanor. It took some time for her to get comfortable around Ryu, and a lot of help from Ember. Sanctus is unaware of how Ryu used to be as a child, aside from what Ember has told her, but she can tell that Ryu has changed drastically from what she has been through. One evening, while Sanctus was cleaning up after dinner, Ryu opened up to her about what she has been through. Her story resonated with Sanctus and thus, Sanctus told Ryu her own story. The two bonded over the pain of their pasts and are now good friends.