The Sheet Serpent's Comments

Any reason you cancelled?

??? I don't think I did ;  ; He's in my account atm. Did it say I cancelled?

Yeah, are you the original owner of the character or are you the new owner?

The new one.

Oh okay, nvm then! Super sorry!

This guy would be PERFECT as a creature in my story!! I'd love to have him if I could!

Ah! I love this design so much! I swear, I see more and more talented and creative designs on here than I have before~

For this friend, I can only imagine them as a denizen of the world between worlds--a sort of thing who could only be described as "uncanny" and "impossible to the world we know. How it slipped into the human realms, bound by science and logic, is unknown, but more and more "Uncannies" are being spotted and reported as days go by.

While it makes its feast on common birds here, preferring to phase into our dimension without warning into murmurations of starlings for the ultimate buffet, in its own world, it dined on flights of paper cranes animated by nothing more than innocence and dreams. This is what gives the sheet serpent its flexible and thinly-lined body--it requires all the mobility it can to avoid its prey's cutting beaks.

While visually fierce, the sheet serpent doesn't appear to have much interest in anything other than the avian variety, and flits away back into the comfort of its higher plane.

May I have him? :0