


4 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title The Golden Tornado
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Miner/Warrior
    • Religion Viridi/Viridiism
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Thirty
    • Species Witch/Warlock


    Taneisha has stunning golden hair that flows elegantly down her back to just below her shoulder blades. It is mostly straight, with the ends being wavy. Her fringe is grown out and her eyes are an intense green. She usually wears colours to match her looks, with her green crop top having gold shoulder armour and trimming. There is a blue gemstone at the bottom of her top, as well as a bigger one located at the top of her matching shorts. She also wears green and gold boots. Her weapon of choice is her staff. It is made from gold. The handle ends in a sharp point and on the other end it has a few ragged edges made for tearing and slicing. Embedded in the top part of her staff is a round orb and within that is golden sand that glows green in the dark.


    • BUILD Curvy but athletic figure

    • FOOD Burgers
    • COLOUR Green
    • ANIMAL Turtles & Dragons
    • SETTING Deep in the forest
    • WEATHER Clear skies, warm weather
    • DRINK Fine Wine
    • NUMBER Twenty One
    • GENRE Romance
    • ACTIVITY Talking with others
    • TIME OF DAY Sunset


    • The comfort of home
    • Animals & Nature
    • People who make conversation with her


    • Being interupted
    • Unexpected changes
    • People who think they are better than others


    • Collecting rare looking things
    • Training with her staff
    • Talking/Making random speeches

    Taneisha is quite content with her lifestyle. She never had the longing to leave, always believing there was not much out there for her. She is often rather calm and collected, not usually worried about anything aside from the role she plays in her tribe. She would much prefer to stick to her own world and do what she always does. She is highly persuasive, able to get anything she wants when she wants it. She is very convincing and knows how to put on an act and alter her emotions to further her cause. She tends to observe people or objects to figure out how they operate. When out in the real world, she found out she was rather cunning, planning behind the backs of others to get herself somewhere. She is not comical by any means, but she loves a good joke and on occasion, can even tell a great one. She is hugely stubborn and hates doing something she does not want to do. She will argue and persuade her way out of the situation if she has too. She also tends to be a bit impatient, never wanting to wait around for anyone. She expects everyone to be on time and would rush through anything if it meant getting it out of the way sooner so she can get on with other things.


    • Calm & Collected
    • Persuasive
    • Passionate about things


    • Talks too much/Rarely listens
    • Stubborn
    • Impatient


    Taneisha was destined to become the next chief of her Tribe, therefore, knowing one day she would have to take on the responsibilities that come with the role, she was constantly aspiring to be better. She did not want to let others down, so worked towards being a good ruler for her people. When she was taken and put in the arena with many other warriors, her main goal was to survive, get out and make her way back home. Later, however, she found out there was nothing to go back to. Her home was reduced to rubble after the attack on her people and barely anyone survived.


    • Disappointing/Failing her people
    • Death
    • Heights


    • Talking over others
    • Talks very fast
    • Flicks hair over her shoulder constantly


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Fast & wordy
    • COMMON STARTER "Heya! What's your name? How are you? Are you from around here?"
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Always needs to be right
  • Species

    [ Witch/Warlock ] Witches and Warlocks are humanoid beings that possess magical capabilities. The Witch is female, while the Warlock is male, and neither gender is typically ‘evil’ like they are often portrayed as in story tales. This species is incredibly fast learners and can teach themselves anything, whether that is another language or a new spell. This ability is unique to them and helps them further their magic quicker but to an extent. At some stage, every Witch/Warlock owns a creature called a Familiar. These beings come in any form and come to the Witch/Warlock in a time of need. Over the years, they help their master though many obstacles in their life. There are many different kinds of Witches/Warlocks. Some specialize in certain things and some have been consumed by the pull of dark magic. Witches/Warlocks have to tread carefully with the magic they use. Death by being burned at the stake was often the penalty for using dark magic or murdering/hurting someone using any sort of witchcraft. If the Witch/Warlock admitted to the crime beforehand, they were killed and then burned instead. Some, however, were beheaded or hanged instead, very rarely some were imprisoned or banished. The reason a witch is often burned at the stake was that fire cleansed all magic and broke any residual spells that they may have cast in their time. Witches/Warlocks have a normal life span, but a few have managed to pull off the darkest and powerful there is, to become immortal.


    [ Harnesser ] Long ago, there were tribes of Harnessers scattered around the globe. They were a seemingly human species, reflecting them in every physical way, but they are much different and are believed to be a subspecies of witch. While they may not have had super strength or blinding speed, they could certainly wield a weapon and use it to their advantage. They worshipped a god, who they believed bestowed great power within several objects. They were drawn to this power and would seek out those artifacts, as they would call them. Upon retrieving, they would finally unlock an ability that is unique to every person. The true purpose of having one of these artifacts isn’t to gain its abilities. The object is merely an anchor. Without it, they wouldn't have control over their powers and it would have drastic consequences. They would undoubtedly go insane, their mind consumed with darkness, or the power would literally tear them apart from the inside. This is why they can’t access their ability without having something to contain all of their power. They are drawn to certain objects to save them from destroying themselves. The item itself could be anything, whether it’s a sword, staff, gun, or even objects with seemingly no value. They are not immortal and have the lifespan of a human. Anything that would kill them, would kill a Harnesser.


    Taneisha is a skilled fighter, using her staff as more than just an anchor to her sanity. She also uses it as a weapon. Its handle ends in a sharp point and on the other end it has a few ragged edges made for tearing and slicing. Embedded in the top part of her staff is a round orb. Within it is golden sand that glows green in the dark. When she has the staff in hand, she can move the land beneath her feet, causing quakes and forming landmasses wherever she needs it to be. If she needed to get across a wide canyon, she has the power to move the ground to get across. She can make sand out of the ground and create sandstorms as well. She can even control the minds of people and creatures. She can get them to do as she pleases, but this only works in very low light, giving her some restrictions on when she can use it.

  • History

    Taneisha is from one of the few Harnesser Tribes that still exist in Kaynika. Her father was the chief and her mother lived happily by his side. Together, they ruled over the small community with their daughter. She was brought up by them and was quite content living there. She never had the longing to leave, knowing there was not much out there for her. She knew her abilities inside and out and used them to help her with her job. This involved mining gold and other minerals for the salvation of her people. They often use such minerals to trade for items of importance, usually food or weapons. One day, they were attacked. They fought for their freedom. Some were killed, while the rest were shipped off to Serpent Island to battle in the arena for their survival. Taneisha was one of those people. She was more of a persuader, so she had to learn how to use her skills to fight rather quickly. It was the first time she had left her home and had a taste of the outside world.


    Taneisha lived in the Kingdom of Terra, Clerika. She resided in Hayes City. This is a secluded place, small enough to easily be mistaken for a town. A forest that holds many secrets surrounds this place.. Not many come here, due to fear of the unknown. A dense fog warns people who get too close to the towns boundaries, and anyone who ventures into the wall of trees gets lost within. The only ones brave and stupid enough to do such a thing is treasure hunters, for the forest is said to have many underground caves, teeming with gold. Few ever make it back, however. Taneisha lived here with the rest of her people, but one day, they were attacked. Those who survived like her, were shipped to Serpent Island to battle in an arena for their survival.

    Current Residence

    After being taken from her home, Taneisha was stuck in the Serpent Coliseum. Until recently, it hosted illegal fights, capturing strong warriors from all around the planet, forcing them to battle for their cause, dark amusement. It earned its name by the serpent they controlled, using it to finish of beaten opponents or any who happened to fall into the water. The starved beast with its young had no option but to eat anything provided. Since then, the royalty has changed. The queen of Shalitien took action, immediately shutting the place down and repurposing it to be less of a fight to the death, and more like a bit of fun for all, those who watch and those who battle. Instead of being forced, all fighters volunteer. Taneisha was one of those who was forced to fight in this place, but after it changed for the better, with no real home to go back to, she chose to remain here and put on a show for the audiences.

  • Ancestry

    • Taneisha's father is the chief of her village
    • Her mother works alongside her father
    • Her ancestors are a tribal people


    • She had a crush on someone in her village
    • She hates insects and screams whenever she is surprised by one
    • She once had a humiliating scare, of which she does not share with anyone


    • There is a tribal village of harnessers in each kingdom. The one she grew up in was called Jade Village
    • Taneisha owns a staff, which she discovered one day as she was drawn to its unique power
    • Taneisha's character was inspired by random things like golden sand and an hour glass