


4 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Eve
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Athlete
    • Religion Serinist/Serinism
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Twenty
    • Species Shapeshifter


    Evalyn has rich chocolate brown eyes and hair slightly lighter. Her hair flows down to her waist in uneven strands. Her fringe is grown out but the sides are cut shorter. Before going out for jogs or playing her sports, she tends to tie her hair up in a black hair tie. Since she is often doing things that require her to be active, she likes to dress in a simple white pleated skirt with a black band around the waist. She also has a plain black crop top and white sneakers. Evalyn has a secondary outfit, one she wears when she is playing her flute or just wants to dress nice. This consists of a white crop top with a heart cutout and a choker neckline. It is sleeveless with frilly edges. The skirt is mostly black with white frills and swirly patterns at the bottom. She also wears knee high socks and black heels.


    • BUILD Athletic, fit build

    • FOOD Fish
    • COLOUR Teal
    • ANIMAL Bengal cat
    • SETTING Her secret place by the ocean
    • WEATHER Clear, sunny days
    • DRINK Sports drinks
    • NUMBER Thirty Seven
    • GENRE Romance
    • ACTIVITY Playing the flute
    • TIME OF DAY Afternoon


    • Music
    • Most animals
    • Nature walks


    • Judgemental people
    • Her own shyness
    • Having to hide her hobby from others


    • Playing the flute
    • Badminton
    • Jogging

    Evalyn is a quiet person with very strict parents. As shapeshifters with a history of being hunted, they were used to hiding away and wanted to remain unnoticed. This meant making sure their daughter kept her true self a secret. In the end, this made her feel out of place and withdrawn from society. She feels like she does not belong, even in the presence of no one but herself. She does, however, love music and thinks that playing the flute for others is what she wants to do in the future. If only she was not so shy. Evalyn is a kind hearted woman with a keen intuition, but she is rather sensitive to other people's views and tends to go along with whatever anyone tells her to do.


    • Kind hearted
    • Athletic
    • Intuitive


    • Shy and withdrawn
    • Pushover
    • Sensitive


    While Evalyn is a rather shy and withdrawn woman living in a small but busy town, she has big dreams. She wants to move to a largely populated city and play her music for the world to hear. She wishes to just be herself, playing her flute without having to worry about anyone hunting her down just for being a shapeshifter. Unfortunately for her, she suffers from stage fright, so this goal seems vastly out of reach for her.


    • Large scary dogs
    • Big crowds/public speaking


    • Evalyn tends to write down her daily events in a journal
    • She avoids large crowds and public speaking


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Shy and quiet
    • COMMON STARTER “Umm, h-hi…”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Stares at the ground when talking to others
  • Species

    [ Shapeshifter ] Shapeshifters are amazing creatures with the ability to transform their shape. They were once thought of as a higher rank than any other species in their world or any other. This is due to their unique power, which also allows them to gain the attributes and abilities of the creature they turned into. It was said that these beings used to run the world a long time ago, but over time, other species began to emerge overtop of them. They are less popular, but the memory of them was still superior, how they could triumph over all by matching them in every way. It is unsure why their numbers declined so rapidly, but whatever it was still couldn’t keep them down and they survived through it all. Shapeshifters can be seen as evil, good, or neutral, and they can change their form in a variety of ways depending on their subspecies, from breaking every bone in their body to taking the skin of others and using that in order to take their shape.


    [ Animal Shifter ] This species of shapeshifter usually have only two forms, a human one and another. What it is depends on their upbringing and what creatures they were most familiar with. There are others, however, that can do some incredible things, able to change into whatever they put their mind too. This takes a lot of strength, knowledge and experience, however, and is much harder to do. They have to know the species and what they can do before they even attempt it. To them, shapeshifting is an art and if they can master that art, they could even possess the ability to take a younger form of themselves, allowing them to look young, and even live forever if they can do it right. These species, unfortunately, have a drawback. They have to remain with a clear and focused mind, or they could accidentally turn into something they didn’t want to.


    Evalyn is an animal shapeshifter and as such, has two main forms, her human one and another. Typically her second form, the animal she turns into, is that of a cat, a bengal cat to be exact. Cats are her family’s specialty, as they all shapeshift into a different kind, from house cats to leopards and tigers. When Evalyn is in her cat form, she takes the attributes, skills and abilities of that animal, from heightened hearing, keen night eyesight and cat-like reflexes.

  • History

    Evalyn resides in Sherah town as an only child with her demanding parents and pet cat, Chika. As a shapeshifter, a species hunted by the people of this world long ago, her ancestors went into hiding. As the generations went on, these shifters continued to hide their identity from everyone. Evalyn grew up in this environment, forced to hide who she was. She was told time and time again that people are not to be trusted, to use them but not to follow them. She hated this train of thought and just wanted to be herself. Her parents wanted the best for their daughter, to have a successful and safe job. They put a lot of pressure on her everyday and sucked the fun out of her hobbies. This is why she chose to keep her flute playing a secret from them. There is one place, however, that she likes to go to, as a way to temporarily escape her parents and pursue her own interests. They wanted her to be an athlete but she thought of jogging and badminton as mere hobbies. The one thing she loved more than anything was music. She wanted to use her flute playing to inspire others and while she may be incredibly shy and afraid of playing in front of others, she is trying to be more confident in herself.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Evalyn was born in Sherah Town. This place is located in the Metorah region on Novacore Island and consists of many different species, not just Elementals. This is what makes this place a rather busy town, as there are a mix of people living here, some even nocturnal. This means that the citizens are active at all hours of the day and night. Even the majority of the stores are open 24/7. Evalyn grew up in this town with her parents as an only child and still lives here, despite wanting to move to a bigger city.

  • Ancestry

    • Evalyn comes from a long line of animal shifters who specialise in turning into cats
    • Her ancestors were hunted long ago
    • To survive, her ancestors hid their identities as they resided in a quiet, small town


    • Evalyn keeps the fact she is a shapeshifter secret from the world, as instructed by her parents
    • Her parents wanted her to be an athlete but she would rather play the flute and be known for that
    • She has a secret place where she goes to play the flute, a place her parents do not know of


    • Evalyn does not want to be an athlete, as she prefers to just play badminton and jog as hobbies rather than stressful competitions
    • Despite not actually being a cat, she hates the rain and large dogs
    • As an animal shapeshifter, Evalyn is limited to only cat-like creatures, including tigers, leopards, lions, other large cats and even regular household cats. The form she usually takes, however, is a little bengal cat