Keira F



4 years, 7 months ago



Keira Fauzin

"The world will know true pain!"

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Midnight Hunter
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Thief/Bounty Hunter
    • Religion N/A
    • HANDEDNESS Right Handed
    • Age One Hundred and Ninety Four
    • Species Demon/Cyborg


    Keira has purple-blue eyes. The right, being artificial, has blue rings in her iris, as well as blue replacing the usual white sclera. She once had ordinary blonde hair, but later dyed it to have black streaks. She has a long fringe that was swept to the side. The rest is kept short, showing off her pointed, elf-like ears and blue and gold dangling earrings. She also has two gold ring earrings at the top of each ear. Keira has a gentle face with soft features, but rarely shows any emotion. Protruding from the sides of her head is a set of horns which are a dark red and curve down and inwards. She stands with a confident, serious posture and when on a mission, she almost always has her eyes covered with a visor only she can see through. This visor is actually an advanced technology that very little can understand. She dresses in a blue bra-top, with cross straps and diamond designs hanging from the bottom. Her blue trousers are often rolled up with a gold and black half skirt that acts similar to a cape behind her. She also has a thigh bracelet with diamonds dangling from it. Her ankle boots are silver with glowing blue streaks that go straight down the centre. The soles are black. On her left hand, she has on a silver glove, to cover up the robotics in her hand. She also has a gold bracelet with blue gemstones on her right wrist. Her fingernails are long and black. Further up her arm, are two black bracelets.


    • BUILD Fit, athletic body
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Smokes and drinks a little
    • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES Cyborg parts malfunctioning

    • FOOD Burritos
    • COLOUR Green
    • ANIMAL Ox
    • SETTING Her own home
    • WEATHER Thundering
    • DRINK Bloody Mary
    • NUMBER Four
    • GENRE Cheesy horror movies
    • ACTIVITY Repeatedly going up and down elevators/escalators
    • TIME OF DAY Starry Night Sky


    • Orderly things
    • When things go her way
    • Control


    • Her family
    • The darkness
    • Missing an opportunity/kill


    • Collecting/hoarding things
    • Repeatedly going up and down elevators/escalators
    • Street Fighting

    Keira is almost two entirely different people rolled into one. She is a hoarder, someone who enjoys collecting things and filling her house with countless objects, often high tech from places around the globe and other planets, but she also tends to hoard random junk as well. Despite her hoarder personality, she also has to have everything perfect and orderly. She can somehow keep everything organised and city, and hates when things do not go her way. Most of the time, she comes across as heartless, but towards those she really cares about, she can be loving and loyal. This can, at times, confuses others and even herself, but she continues to live her life, switching between the sides of good and bad. The one thing that she wishes she could do is engineer, creating and fixing electronics. It is the one skill she feels she must know, considering she is a cyborg, but no matter what she does or tries, she simply cannot get a grip on the skill. While Keira may be a Bounty Hunter, she refuses to go near families with children, unless she sees that the parents do not care for their kids like hers did not care for her.


    • Robotic enhancements
    • Strong-willed
    • Skilled in combat


    • Hoarder
    • Engineering
    • Conflicting personalities


    Keira grew up wishing for control her whole life. Trapped in a toxic, abusive household, she just wanted better, to start over and become her own person. When her time came, she did not think it would turn out this way, that she’d be a bounty hunter, killing to live free of her family. The only thing shackling her is herself and her own debt. Other than the aspiration to control her spiraling lifestyle, she also has a secret wish. She dreams to be a stay-at-home mother, with children that she would look after more than her own parents.


    • Her parents
    • Losing her home
    • Being completely helpless and alone


    • Hoarding things she’ll never need
    • Tidying/cleaning something that’s already clean
    • Has to have her things in alphabetical order


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Cold and void of emotion
    • COMMON STARTER “The hell do you want?”
    • SWEARS? Quite often
    • QUIRKS Randomly stops during conversation to think what she’s going to say next
  • Species

    [ Demon ] Demons and Angels are one of the few species that are similar, and yet, completely different. These species have eternal life, gaining much knowledge as time goes by. At some point during the early stages of their long life, they stop ageing entirely, therefore, some look old and others, young. Demons are born from the darkness and vary vastly in strength, looks, and abilities, but they do have some things in common. They are all slow healers compared to Angels and aren’t as quick, but they are still quicker than humans. They are also super strong. Demons are categorized into two types. There are the ones who are created without a body, possessing people just to survive, and then there are the ones born with physical forms. Some demons in either group can shapeshift and morph, but most are simply crowned with horns and have claws for fingernails. Most also control the darkness, like Angels, control the light. Both Demons and Angels have weaknesses, whether that is a drawback of their abilities, or simply not liking something to the point it gets in the way. This species is known for having the desire to cause destruction, but the truth of the matter is, while they may seem like creatures who only wish for chaos, what they do usually depends on their leader. Only a few go solo without a leader. These kinds of Demons don’t rely on anyone and often do their own thing, hiding out in places where few ever go. This doesn’t mean they don’t cause trouble, however. Since the world is unaccepting of demons, they are unaccepting of the world, that is how they see it. Due to the belief that they are naturally bad, their destructive behaviour is brought about by the image people had created for them. Angels are their only true enemy. They always interfere with the plans of the Demons, which causes conflict between the two regularly. They absolutely despise one another by nature.


    [ Lesser Demon ] Lesser Demons are the most common Demon. They are known to be the foot soldiers of the demon hierarchy. Their job requires them to send messages and carry out tasks assigned to them by other demons. They do not have a physical form so whenever they go to a planet, they have to possess another just to roam that world and carry out their duties.


    [ Archdemon ] An Archdemon is believed to be the most powerful demon there is, aside from the Lord. The Arch Demons of the Underworld are thought to rule over the other Demons, able to give commands no one of lower rank can refuse. They are typically the most destructive of their kind, seeking only dark entertainment. They are recognisable by their dragon-like wings. They also do not have a physical form so whenever they go to a planet, they have to possess another just to roam that world.


    [ Cyborg ] A cyborg is a created species, made from the tissue of a creature and android parts. The android side comes with pros and cons. They are often vulnerable to water, but gain many inhuman abilities depending on the robot parts they are given. Sometimes the creation of a cyborg goes horribly wrong, causing the host to have a variety of problems, like heart failure or a possibility to short circuit. Quite often, they are far stronger and faster than any mere human, but their abilities and skills all depend on what robotic parts they have been given.


    Keira is a sharp shooter. She has keen eyesight in both eyes, but only one is robotic. Her demon side makes up the quality of her other eye. She also has infrared scanning and can see things most cannot. Since she is a demon, she is born a predator. She is practically nocturnal, hunting and killing during the night. She can control the shadows, using it for camouflage and hiding from her prey. This is a common trait among demons. Another common trait, which she also possesses, is the ability to live through extreme heat. It can burn them if it is hot enough, but they are very durable when it comes to fires. The only other thing she can do is possess other people with her mind, but only for a limited amount of time.

  • History

    Keira was born into a dysfunctional family, living in Legaci Town on Calizen. Her siblings were at the age where they could go out and about, doing whatever they pleased since her parents did not have a care in the world. Keira, however, was stuck in the house with the pair who fought all the time, verbally and physically. As she grew older, she wanted nothing more than to leave the house and everything in it, to do her own thing. Until then, she practically locked herself in her room with only herself as company. Eventually, she had enough and ended her parents' lives. She left her childhood home, never to look back. Over the timespan of a few more years, Keira accepted an offer she did not quite understand. This is around the time she gained her cyborg parts, a mistake she lives to regret. In time, however, she accepted it and learned how to harness her new skills. Keira began using her new abilities to steal and kill people, in need of money. This is how she made her living, not really caring about the consequences. The Elite Prism Force eventually took notice of her, as her crimes only escalated. This is why they had to take action and bring her to justice.


    Keira grew up in an abusive household with her parents and siblings. They lived on Planet Calizen in Legaci Town. This place is one of Calizen’s more unique, futuristic towns, constructed using parts from multiple high powered spaceships. With these parts, they created a town within one large aircraft, which hovers above the ground at all times of the day. There are three ramps that lead in and out of this place, which is how people are able to drive through the town. Stores and houses are scattered throughout and in the centre is a small setup, a booth of sorts, where the owner tells stories to all passing through. This place is actually known for its tall tales, legends and rumours, and has been this way for a long time. Nowadays, people are unsure what is true and what is false, as the stories, whether reality or myth, have blended together in time. As Keira’s siblings left one by one, she was the last one stuck under the roof of her parents. Eventually, however, she became old enough to venture on her own.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Keira lives on a planet called Prism, a place designed to be the universe's most advanced and secure prison, where they hold the worst of the worst. This demon girl worked her way up to one of the universe's most wanted list, which was why Celiya and the Elite Prism force were assigned to find her and take her down. They were successful in their mission, which is why Keira now finds herself locked up in the Grim Sector of Prism.

  • Ancestry

    • Father comes from a long line of Arch Demons
    • Mothers side are just lesser demons
    • Keira comes from one of the largest demon families there are


    • Cares about children and happy families
    • Privage information/her weaknesses
    • What she is truly capable off


    • Keira has a robotic eye
    • The team at Isle C.S. 2419 wanted to make a cyborg demon, so chose Keira for their experiment
    • Keira has yet to unlock her Arch Demon abilities, but is well aware she has great power inherited from her father. She just has yet to want to use them