


4 years, 7 months ago



Species:Cat (Fallen/demon) 

RS:Taken (Orion) 




Weight:50 lbs (his body is mostly hollowed) 

Personality:Stoic, reserved, easily bothered. 

Likes:Silence, Reading, tea, curry buns, dim lighting. 

Dislikes:Loud noises, sunlight, heat, people. 

Powers/abilities:Has shadows which provide his body with nutrients and protect him, he does not have to eat. 

Backstory (Told through his perspective) :

"It's not that I think you'll be afraid of me.. Its just something I hate looking back on. But.. *he sat in the ground* I was created artificially, this is explained by my father, by a creature that stole his DNA and blended it with that of another unfortunate soul. But somehow I was returned to him through specific circumstances. For the first year of my life, I was taken care of well, I even learned to speak and walk, thanks to my father being attentive. My memory is extensive, much more so than others, probably due to my creation. But.. Everything changed when that wretch "killed" my father and he was gone. She would starve the both of us, and at first I was protected and fed by Lucifer, but he slowly spiraled into insanity. He began to neglect me as well, and I starved, only when she gave me food that was laced with bits of poison. She preferred to watch us suffer than to kill us straightaway. Eventually it led to when Lucifer killed her and he forgot that I existed. I was left alone in the house, almost three, but managed to muster all the strength in my weak and small body to walk out and feed upon some of the garbage littered around the home. I scavenged for scraps that were left around for years, until I was about... Six. At age six I was in alleyways most often, thin as a mere bone. You could practically see my ribcage by looking at me. Lucifers guards often walked around, we aged differently. For some reason my aging process was... Lagging. So I was a child still while he was already in power. But his guards.. *he blinked* They often when around and did whatever they wanted to with anyone. They did horrible things that no one would even imagine possible, things you only hear in fiction. Rape and murder don't begin to explain the actions. But in top of those.. They frequently experimented on people. Hence why my eyes are green when they were supposed to be yellow, like my fathers. I tended to struggle a lot, and when I had almost escaped due to my small stature, they cut off a part of my hand in order to "display what would happen if I tried to leave." then I was thrown out into the street. Eventually the open wound started to effect me and I was often sickly due to infection. My hand started rotting. *he paused and looked at his four fingered hand then continued* I began to fight for my life more with each day, and when even scraps were scarce, people became violent. I was among the smaller of the groups and was grabbed by a local gang where they beat me when I attempted to take bread, it resulted in them tearing my lips in half. *he paused again and puckered his lips pensatively, the scar more evident that way, before continuing* After so much blood loss, illness, and starvation overtaking me, I was lying in the middle of the street on the brjnk of death. That's when. *one of his shadows came and settled on his lap as he stroked its head* My shadows found me and linked their lives with mine. They ate for me and managed to heal my wounds. And I owe them my entire life. They were the only way I was able to go back to normal.That is all. "