Francis Montgomery



4 years, 7 months ago




"Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires."
Name Francis Montgomery
Nicknames None
Species Human (sorcerer)
Age About 30
Gender Cis male
Pronouns He/him
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation N/A
Residence England
Playlist Spotify
Design Notes
  • Beauty mark below left eye
  • Eyebrow scar on right eyebrow
  • Thin, but not underweight
  • Pretty much exclusively wears dark clothes
  • Usually wears boots
  • Please always draw him wearing clothes, but you don't NEED to add a coat

Francis has always done what it takes to survive. In his teens, he left home and wandered two continents, always watching his back and never staying somewhere too long. Due to being born a sorcerer, a taboo that could easily get him killed, he is very secretive and avoids getting too close to anyone. He very, very distrustful, and his magic causes some insecurity. It takes quite a long time to gain his trust, if that's even possible.

Francis is intelligent, having read as many books as he could get his hands on when he was younger, but isn't necessarily lacking in street-smarts, either, after travelling so much. Partly resulting from his magic abilities, he is very observant, picking up on things from surroundings to social cues.

He leans towards the quiet side, but can be blunt. He can also tend to be sardonic and especially cynical in nature.

  • Born in the American Midwest
  • Son of a farmer and a (medieval) doctor
  • Long stomach scar from a knife wound
  • Never makes an effort to change his accent, but will never elaborate on where he's from
  • Has stolen quite a bit (mainly money), but prefers not to
  • Never drinks any kind of alcohol
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Best friend whom he found in England. It took a long time for Francis to warm up to him, but he eventually did.


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