


7 years, 8 months ago



Name:Daniel (博彦)
Date of Birth: Aug 21th
Hair Style: Short, fringe swept to (our) right, left fringe held by hairclips
Eye Color: Blue
Personality:Naive, shy and scared of doing most things alone. Likes to be with people, but is too initimdated to approach anyone. 100% pushover and very guilible. Eous noticed his personality and decided to befriend Daniel, so that he wouldn't get bullied by others. Over the course of their friendship, Eous' outgoing and happy-go-lucky attitude made Daniel more confident, and he is now more willing to open himself up to others.
Talents:Able to produce small flecks of light for a limited period of time.
Likes:sweet things, sparkly things, candles and cute bed lamps
Dislikes: the dark, being bullied / scolded, crowds
 * Please do not draw Daniel with his earrings!


Background story: 

Daniel was born into a relatively large and affluent family, both in terms of power and wealth. Since he was small, his lifestyle has always been pampered - all the servants in the house treated him kindly, and being the youngest, he was also spoilt by his older siblings. So, when he was sent to school to interact with other people, he had no clue how to socialise. Instead of trying to mingle with his peers, he stayed silent for the most of the time and would agree with pretty much anything that anyone says, giving people the impression that he was a pushover. He slowly became a common target of bullying due and turned a very inward person with little self-confidence. His family, after knowing how he is being treated at school and how he behaves, scolded him for having such cowardly behavior and claimed that he "tainted" the family's reputation. In a spur of emotions. They kept comparing Daniel to his older siblings, and questioned why Daniel wasn't capable of what his sisters and brothers were capable of. Daniel ran out of the house in frustration, feeling that he was wrongly acused of things that he shouldn't be responsible for. He promptly sees a car's headlights blinding his eyes and his life was taken by its impact shortly. Just before he lost his consciousness, Daniel looked up to the skies and for the first time, found that there were stars twinkling in the skies above. He prayed to the stars and told them that if he lived, he wouldn't want to be under similar pressures that his family gave him. After he was declared to be deceased, his family was barely devastaed about their loss (it merely meant that they had one less incompetent child to take care of), but instead moved on quickly - only Daniel's older sister kept him in her mind, but she too, quickly forgot about him as her life got more and more hectic. Daniel was sent to the heavens as a star, and now watches over his sister occasionally just to make sure that she's been doing well and surviving his family's expectations.

☆ ☆ ☆ 

Fragmented Reverie:

Daniel only appears in a short period of time within Eous' story, Fragemented Reverie. They are very close friends and spend a lot of time together, supporting each other and having fun together. It was due to Eous befriending him that Daniel started to regain his self-confidence and started to open himself up to more things around him.

Header by the lovely roselletroches