



“I believe in silver linings and that's why I believe in you!"

NAME Zephira
AGE 22
BIRTHDAY July 10th
SPECIES Angelic Dragonite #149
ABILITY Marvel Scale
CHARACTERISTIC Impetuous and Silly
THEME link



( + ) Compassionate ; Bubbly ; Optimistic

( / ) Mellow ; Soft ; Pure

( — ) Naive ; Childish ; Passive


Zephira is a sweet and kind girl. She's got a bubbly, carefree attitude and she's always trying to put a smile on other people's faces! She always looks for the silver lining in bad situations, and due to her happy-go-lucky and positive attitude, she remains optimistic even in the worst case scenarios. There's rarely ever a time when she's sad! If she is sad, then something terrible must've happened to her or her friends. Zephira is a very mellow person and likes to take things in her own stride. She's easily excitable, but still takes things at a snail's pace most of the time. If she had it her way, she'd take in everything and come up with a plan as she goes.

Despite being an adult, Zephira is a very soft and pure person. She doesn't let people's hateful comments or words bring her down too much (unless you call her a mean word), and she always feels like there's a bright side no matter what situation may occur. For others, she may even come off as sickly-sweet. But, she assures you it's all with the best of intentions.

Again, for someone entering adulthood, Zephira is very naive and childish. There's almost a sort of child-like whimsy about her. While she had definitely gone on voyages with her father to sea, that doesn't mean she was sheltered as a child. They may have let her choose her own path, but being secluded to her small port town didn't tell her much about the world. Because of that, Zephira doesn't know how cruel people can be. She doesn't understand how horrible and unfair the world can be-- but, perhaps that's for the best? Another thing is if she's presented with an issue, she'd rather talk things out than attack if need be. She doesn't like to hurt people, enemies or not-- and she only attacks if provoked to. Honestly, she sees herself as a bit of a pacifist, and this more often than not, can get her and her teammates into some serious trouble.


Zephira grew up in the small port town of Portsmouth on the tail end of the Spiral Archipelago. The town saw many fishermen and sailors stopping at the port to gear up for their voyages or sell their catch to the local shops. Zephira witnessed it all from a young age, and even befriended some of the well-known sailors in the area. Her father was also a sailor, and her mother was a stay-at-home mother, helping to take care of Zephira while her father was out. Her mother taught her how to be a good person, and to always use her manners when speaking with elders. If anything she learned from her mother stuck with her, it was definitely those life lessons. Some days, her father would take her on voyages out to sea and teach her about wayfinding and fishing. Zephira had no objections and happily learned by her father's side!

For most of her childhood and teenage years, Zephira stuck around her parents. They always had a great relationship with one another, and Zephira was always so interested in her father's sailing stories. Her mother would often tell her how they came from far away and her father practically picked her up and sailed off with her. They came to rest at Portsmouth and had her. After hearing all these stories and learning how to sail with her father, the excitement she had for exploring hit her like a boulder! She had known since she was very young, but exploring was something she had wanted to do for a long time! While her mother had some misgivings about her wandering off on her own at such a young age, her father was quite content with letting her live her adventurous life. She wasn't sure where she was going-- at least, not until she found flyers hanging all over town. Apparently, a distant town called Ethovalon on the far away Kala Island was looking for recruits! Something about a Global Communication Setup Foundation? It listed three branches to choose from, and immediately the Wayfarers Branch stuck out to her like a sore thumb! After discussing it with her parents, and after having quite the conversation amongst the three of them, they decided her destiny was hers to take charge of.

Before leaving, Zephira's mother gave her a talk about some lessons she'd have to learn about the world. She told her to be safe, use her manners, and always be polite to people. With a hug and a kiss, Zephira took off with her father. The duo sailed to Ethovalon together, making pit stops along the way. Each day they grew closer, and each day Zephira's father would ask if this is what she definitely wanted to do. Without a second thought, she gleefully told him this was her calling. Without another word, her father agreed wholeheartedly. She really was his daughter after all ...

After some time sailing, the duo arrived at the Ethovalon port. Her father couldn't have been more proud of her. With a big hug, he sent Zephira on her way. She was strong willed and a clever girl, but she was naive. If she ever ran into trouble she could return home. But, deep down, he knew she could handle this. After all ...

It was her calling.

After creating Team Legends ...

Zephira has accomplished a lot during her time as leader of Team Legends! Recruiting different people onto her team has brought her to meet all kinds of different people from all walks of life! She's come to think of them as her family at this point! Along the way, she's had ups and downs with some of them, Lucas confessed to her, and Cornelius sort of took on a father figure type role for everyone on the team. Clem even left to start her own team! Zephira couldn't be happier with how things turned out!

A few months after joining the guild, her father had unexpectedly passed. Though she grieved for a long time, it made her into a stronger person. More than anything, she wants to be the person her father always knew she could become. Whether in life or death, she would make him proud! However, after everything that happened with Lugia ... it seems those feelings and thoughts have come back full swing. In fact, it even seems like her personality has started to shift slightly ...



With a terrible hissing echoing throughout the fight, a large beam of energy is shot from her mouth directly at her enemy. Due to the pressure from the attack, she can't move for a while afterwards.

Normal // Special // 5 PP // 150 Power // 190% Accuracy


Charging up an electrified attack with her hand, she charges into the enemy, punching them! It may paralyze her target.

Electric // Physical // 15 PP // 75 Power // 100% Accuracy


Using her power, Zephira launches a static zap at her enemy, ultimately paralyzing them.

Electric // Status // 20 PP // -- Power // 90% Accuracy


Zephira flaps her wings as fast as possible, causing the wind around her enemy to circulate! It sends them flying into the air and can also leave them confused!

Flying // Special // 10 PP // 110 Power // 70% Accuracy



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