


4 years, 7 months ago


"I'm losing sight, I'm losing touch. All these little things seem to matter so much, that they confuse me. 

That I might lose me. Take a moment to ask yourself, if this is how we fall apart." 

~Garnet (Steven Universe) 

 | N A M E |  

 Name: Clementine

  Age: 18

 Height: 4'9"

  Gender: Female; she/her

  Species: Oshawott

 | T E A M  I N F O| 

 Branch: Wayfarers

 Team Name: Team Legends

 Rank Points: -see inventories-

 Team Rank: -see inventories-

 Position: Member

 | P O K E M O N  I N F O| 

 Level: 1


 Tackle | Clementine charges full speed ahead at her enemy and throws her whole body against them.

  Detect (Egg Move) | Clementine throws up a shield, protecting herself and nearby allies from harm.

 Ability: Shell Armor

 Nature: Lonely

 Characteristic: Quick to Flee

 | P E R S O N A L  I N F O| 


+ Caring - Clementine loves being there for her friends. Above all else, she wants to at least make sure they're happy and cared for. They mean the world to her, and they are her world after all.

+ Gentle - With a soft speaking voice, she could easily lull someone to sleep with her gentle tone. She's also quite gentle with her mannerisms too-- always being nice and loving around the people she loves the most. 

+ Reliable  - In a pinch, Clementine can help her allies with her Detect. Though she's quiet and prefers to stay out of fights as much as she can, she's very smart and good at getting people out of bad situations.

= Quiet - Clementine is a very quiet individual. She never speaks her mind, even when clearly upset and always lets things blow over without getting a word in. Though, she is a good asset in dungeons with her stealth.

= Pacifist - If she could help it, Clementine would rather not fight anybody. Sometimes, it takes her a lot to muster up the courage to fight someone. This is both a blessing and a curse, especially in dungeons.

= Unambitious - Ever since the accident, Clementine has been rather unambitious. She never wants to do anything and rather slumps around. Sometimes having a dream isn't someone's cup of tea though.

- Irrational - Her way of thinking has been severely altered thanks to her father and wanting to join her mother in the afterlife has drastically changed how she feels. If she's not careful, she may make an irreversible mistake.

- Secretive - She doesn't like talking about her past much. If she does, she must really trust you. She doesn't want people judging her based on past events. 

- Pessimistic - Clementine used to be a very happy child, but nowadays she's gloomy and usually super depressing most times. She's a glass half empty kind of girl. She doesn't care though. 


TW; Child abuse, neglect, suicide mention

Clementine wasn't always a sad, quiet person-- quite the contrary actually. For the first half of her childhood, everything was great! Her mother and father were very close with her and life was great! Every morning she'd go down to the creek with her mother and fish up some dinner for that night. Her mother would sing her songs all the time, read to her before bed, and do all sorts of activities with her. Her father was quite distant from her growing up, but she knew he loved her. He always said it after all. He taught her how to cook on occasions, and honestly, that was her fondest memory with him. After she turned ten though, things began to take a turn for the worse. Clementine noticed her father getting clingy around her-- very clingy. He just insisted it was just his way of showing her loved her. As much as she wanted to disagree, it was her father. He knew best. 

This went on for years, and she struggled with wanting to tell her mother above all else. Whenever she'd get the chance to say anything, her father would miraculously appear to intervene. One day, he approached her, all loving nature set aside. With an angry glare, he looked at his daughter and told her if she ever told her mother that she'd suffer consequences. This was enough to keep Clementine quiet for years on end. So, she went about her days as normal as she could. She'd fish with her mom, cook with her mom, and insisted that they do everything together. She clung to her mother like a safety blanket. Towards her late teens, the neglect from her father grew worse and worse. She had to tell someone-- anyone. Her father was to go out for a fishing trip for the next week. She could tell her mother then. 

That night, everyone went to sleep, but not Clementine. She lay awake with thoughts buzzing around in her head like a swarm of angry Beedrill. Would her mother believe her? Would her father find out? What would happen to her? He's already done such terrible things to her, what more could he possibly do? Suddenly, a violent shaking shook through the house, throwing Clementine out of bed. She struggled to her feet and dashed to a nearby window, noticing that a mudslide had erupted through the creek-- and it was so powerful it was making the house shake! She yelled for her parents but, she had run out of time. A horrible cracking sound made her shudder as she dashed through the house and outside. The rapids had picked up so violently, and before she knew it they were upon her. She was swept away from the grassy banks outside of her house and down the river. With the last bit of consciousness she had left, she noticed the rapids and mudslide take her house over, completely leveling it. 

Somehow, miraculously, Clementine survived. She was awash on a muddy bank along the creek. She could hear Wingull in the distance and smelled salt on the air. Was she near the ocean? She wobbled to her feet and noticed how far she had been whisked away. Though she was in pain and very tired, she struggled back to her house to see what remained. When she arrived-- nothing. The house had been completely leveled. She dared not look through the rubble, and all at once a wave of sadness hit her as she realized there was no way her parents could've made it out in time. She had nowhere to go and no one to be with. Everything had been torn from her in the blink of an eye. So, she took a walk. She walked along the banks of the creek until she hit a dungeon. In the dungeon, she continued her walk, slouching, eyes puffy from crying. She found a steep slope and looked down at the shallow water. Would this be steep enough? It didn't matter-- so long as she could join her mother and forget her father. Forget this whole mess. Clementine closed her eyes, ready to commit when suddenly, 

"Hey ... what're you doing?" 

Clementine looked over and saw a Dratini accompanied by a Duskull and a Bidoof. They all looked very friendly. With a short reply of "nothing", a long silence fell over the four of them. A back and forth conversation started between the Dratini and Clementine. After a moment, the three convinced her to come with them. When Clementine said she had nowhere to go, the Dratini named Zephira smiled at her and invited her to their team. Shocked and overjoyed that she had a place to stay, Clementine melted into a puddle of tears, thanking the trio over and over again. 

Perhaps then wasn't her time. Perhaps she still had a purpose. 

TLDR: Clementine had a fairly normal childhood until her father started getting touchy with her. This went on for years and years. She drowned this out by clinging to her mother like a safety blanket, trying to keep near her at all times. One night, a mudslide ravaged the creek they lived near, leveling their house and sending Clementine down the river. When she came back, her house was totaled and her family was dead. With nowhere left to go, she figured the best choice of action was to be with her mother. As she was about to commit, Zephira stopped her. After a talk with one another, Zephira asked her to join Team Legends. Clementine, overjoyed by her offer, accepted.

 Island Name & Hometown: Kala Island; Babbling Creek


 Father | " ... I should miss him ... but, not after what he's done to me ..."

 Mother |  "Mama ... I miss you so much ... when do you think I can see you again ...?"

 Zephira | "She extended her hand to me when I was in the dark ... I'm so, so thankful she was there ..."

 Lucas | "He seems really shy ... but nice. I think he and I will get along ..."

Cornelius | "Cornelius is like the father I wish I had ... whenever I think of a real, true father, his face is all I see ..."

Eva | "She's really mean to me ... Charity said maybe something in her childhood made her this way. If that's the case, I wish she'd open up to me ..."

Charity | "I met her during a team up in a dungeon, and then we danced at the Halloween party ... I don't want to, but ... I think I have a crush on her ..."


-Her scalchop which she keeps clung to her dress. She can use this for fighting if she wishes. 

-A waterlogged photo of her and her parents. Her father's face is torn off of it. 


-She has the same voice as Marianne from Fire Emblem Three Houses. 

-She doesn't talk about it, but more than anything, she wants to be with her mother. Dangerously so. 

-Clementine has a wonderful singing voice, but she rarely lets people hear it. She often sings her favorite song her mother sang to her as a child, "Oh, My Darling Clementine".

-Clementine used to love swimming, but because of the incident, she's afraid to even go near water. She truly is out of her element. 

- Reading is one of her favorite past times. Get a good book and she'll escape for hours on end. 

-She's an early bird and can usually be found around Ethovalon taking walks or doing yoga. She claims it helps her mentally. 

-Super, super gay. Like, ultra gay. Women? Woah.