


4 years, 10 months ago


Runes are specific ancient symbols drawn in ink. Some may be carved into the skin for a permanent effect. There are special inks made from ichor and other materials one may use for a semi-permanent effect either on skin or another surface. One may find other materials with which to draw, but they may not have the same power. A series of runes may be drawn around a pentagram either inside or outside of a circle to enhance their powers. The power of a rune or a series of runes depends on the accuracy of the drawing. Size in itself is irrelevant. One may draw their runes as small or as large as they are comfortable with for accuracy’s sake. An inaccurate rune may have little to no effect, or may even have the opposite of the desired outcome.

Runes are the most commonly used magic among both Dark and Light races. However, the Light and the Dark have their own separate set of runes. While both can use all runes, the Dark are most powerful using their own runes, same for the Light. Using runes, one can achieve almost anything their heart desires. The most common and perhaps the easiest sets are for glamour, drawn on one’s body or that which they wish to disguise, and for protection, often on items one wishes to hide or seal closed. Glamour runes are often as easily detected as they are to draw, so wearers must be careful around other magik folk.

Humans may be able to learn and use runes, but their power will naturally lean more towards one side or the other and no interference will be able to change that. They will also have more difficulty in attempting complex rune circles as mankind has either no pull or equal pull from either Light or Dark.