Hunahpu Popol



4 years, 7 months ago



Name | Hunahpu Popol
Nickname(s) | Hun, Hunny, Pupu, Tiger, Big Cat
Age | 27
Height | 6’11” / 211cm
Gender | Male (he/him)
Orientation | Panromantic Ace
Partner | Kimbia

Gentle / Good Perseverance

Empathetic | Modest | Personable

Shy | Active | Protective | Justified

Gullible | Defeatist | Irrational

Soft-hearted and gentle, Hunahpu is empathetic and caring to the max! He can't resist trying to help any people or animals he sees in distress even in impossibly difficult situations. He can be idealistic, always thinking the morally right action must pay off. Unfortunately, he does not bounce back easily from failure and can feel extremely defeated upon failing, especially at the inconvenience or suffering of others. He struggles to keep up with the near-impossibly high moral and performance standards he sets for himself yet is extremely lenient and forgiving towards others' shortcomings.

Hunahpu has made it his life's mission to make the world as safe as possible. He does genuinely hope the Outlaws he helps bring to justice can be reformed and helped, often sympathizing with and going back to try and check up on their status even after a mission is over. Unfortunately, his hopefulness, idealism, and desire to help can sometimes lead to others taking advantage of his kindness or manipulating him.



Content Warning(s) / -

Full History

Raised amongst the pools of shifting lava alongside a twin brother, Hunahpu had a quiet and contemplative childhood. He was raised to be responsible and kind, reverent of the shrine and respectful toward the Pokemon that came to visit. His sense of morals were instilled early and he enjoyed his life, filling his off time playing games with his brother. The two were close as can be and worked happily both on shrine upkeep and guiding tourists and visitors.

Disaster struck as one day bandits fled into the Volcano. His brother tried to assist the guild's Bounty Hunting Team by blocking the escape path of the criminals but he was shoved aside easily. Frozen with fear, all Hunahpu could remember was the fluttering of great, leathery wings, a flash of fangs, a scream, a crunch, and then silence. Had he not hesitated, maybe his brother wouldn't have been knocked down the rocky cliffside and grievously wounded. Maybe it was all just a great accident - maybe the outlaws never meant to truly hurt him, just get past him. But their intent did not matter. The damage was done and 'maybes' were all that Hunahpu had left as his brother, once so lively and full of energy, was hardly able to move anymore. Hunahpu never let go of that day, his wounded heart now aflame with conviction and the resolve never to stand idly by again.

It must have been fate when fresh-faced Bounty Hunting and Rescue Teams arrived at the shrine with the purpose of saving an Eevee who had been trapped by a collapsed bridge. He himself had tried to help but it wasn’t enough. These Pokemon did what he couldn’t and saved her. Though he was inexperienced, he bowed in respect and requested humbly to join Team Tourbillon’s ranks for the betterment of the world they all lived in.


Quiet and loving upbringing in Volcano Shrine ➣ Bandits flee into the shrine ➣ Hunahpu freezes and his brother is hurt because of it ➣ Consumed by guilt ➣ Joins Tourbillon with intent to make the world a better, safer place


Species | Incineroar #727
Variant | Spooky
Type | Fire / Dark
Level | 100
Team | Tourbillon
[ Master / Bounty Hunters ]
Position | Recruit

Despite his gentle demeanor, Hunahpu’s stature can be used to great effect to scare an opponent into backing down or changing their mind about attacking.

Flare Blitz | Lv. 58
Fire | Physical | 120/100
A painful move for both parties, Hunahpu shrouds himself in fire and slams into the target full force, hurting himself proportionately to how badly he hurt the target.

Darkest Lariat | Evo.
Dark | Physical | 85/100
A spinning, full body attack where Hunahpu’s claws swirl with dark fire that breaks clean through any boosted defenses his target may have raised beforehand.

Sunny Day | TM
Fire | Status | -/-
This doesn't actually change the weather when he uses it, rather it creates a concentrated orb of fiery energy above the field that creates the effect of harsh sunlight. It doesn't last long, takes some time to conjure up, and is generally countered by other forms of weather.

Roar | Lv. 09
Normal | Status | -/-
Hunahpu lets out a roar powerful and loud enough to physically throw people in its way back away from him in a cone. It doesn’t do any direct damage but it has potential to hurt people that it knocks over. This’ll hurt his throat if he overuses it and can only last as long as his breath.



Broken Watch | A keepsake from that used to belong to his brother. The watch is small and practical but clearly well taken care of. Made from dark metals and polished with great care even after breaking, the time on its face is stopped at exactly 8:12 pm. A reminder.

Basic First Aid | Light bandages and gauze, not much but enough to help hold over small scrapes and cuts. It's good to be prepared.

Coin Pouch | He never leaves homes without some cash on him - not just for him but he does like to pick up meals and trinkets for people that look like they could use it.

➤ He gives warm hugs!

➤ He does not want to fight but he will if he has to. Usually he tries to de-escalate first or use his intimidating size to get a potential rabble-rouser to back down before anything breaks out.

➤ He’s deathly afraid of bats and somewhat freaked out by monkeys

➤ The criminals that were being pursued by the guild through the Volcano Shrine were small-time thieves wanted for theft of shop goods worth only a rough value of 150 Pokè. They are still out there somewhere.

➤ One of his dearest dreams for the future is to someday settle down to a quiet life and be able to raise a family!