Isra Rojo



4 years, 10 months ago


The Fool, as it were.

A man who left his home in Wells many a century ago now, spending ten years in each country to learn their languages and cultures. When he visited Cups, however, he fell in love with their Princess, and swore he'd return to her after he finished his journey. However, when he arrived in Pentacles, he discovered that the royals of Wells, his home, were being slain on account of treason.

When he returned to Cups, his lover was no more.

For many years, he wandered alone, empty, with no home to return to. He found Death, though, in one of Her incarnations, and had relations with her. When he left in the morning, he was cursed to never die. When he was to reincarnate, his soul left his body and went on to the next without him, leaving him an empty husk.