


4 years, 6 months ago


Full Name Adelaide Topaz
Alias Addie
Age 31
Birthday August 28th
Gender Female
Race Topaz Lusdrake
Alignment Neutral Good
Orientation TBD

A gentle and caring soul with a dark past and criminal record. Adelaide is recovering from a tough time and trying to rebuild her life. Taking up a night shift as a waitress and performer at a bar in Lebeau, Adelaide is beloved amongst her employees and patrons for her gentle heart, exotic looks, and willingness to listen.

When Adelaide sees a lost soul that is falling deeper into a life of crime and darkness, she sees a bit of herself in them. She wants to help them however she can before they cannot turn back from the consequences that lie in wait - like what happened to her.

Voice Claim






The Arena - Lindsey Stirling

Lost In Thoughts All Alone - Amalee (Cover)

Catch My Breath - Kelly Clarkson


Adelaide is a hardworking sweetheart that always gives it her all. She does what she can to help others while still looking out for herself. Her gentle smile is infectious and warming; it can melt the coldest of hearts.

After spending a long time in prison, Adelaide has learned to enjoy every aspect of life. She gets excitable doing things that she has never done before, like going on rollercosters, having sleepovers, celebrating holidays, and hanging out with friends! With so much do see and do, she get's easily disracted sometimes. To Adelaide, everyday is a new adventure.

She's a little naive when it comes to the world and how it works, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. She has experience life in a way many will never see and has her own sense of wisdom. She knows what it's like to walk down a dark path to the point of no return.

  • ♦  Trying new recipes
  • ♦  Excitement & Adventure
  • ♦  Crystals
  • ♦  Having a positive impact
  • ♦  Small, enclosed spaces
  • ♦  Dirty spaces
  • ♦  Rats
  • ♦  Hurting others
  • ♦  Dancing
  • ♦  Cooking/Baking
  • ♦  Learning about new things!
  • ♦  Moving on
  • She is allergic to dog fur but pets dogs anyway
  • She gets easily emotional during shows/movies/books
  • Items slamming down too hard triggers a short traumatic scare
  • Needs to hug a pillow or a plushie when she sleeps
Current Status
Location Lebeau (Appartment)
Occupation Waitress | Dancer

Adelaide is working hard at The Garden to make ends meet for both Acacia and herself. She tends to take late night shifts and work 6 days a week to earn the wages she needs. But Adelaide cares a lot for Acacia and is more than happy to work the extra hours for her. The one thing that upsets Adelaide, however, is that Acacia refuses to back down from her job as a hitman. Adelaide is afraid what will happen to Acacia if she continues this life of crime, so she tries to convince Acacia to step away.

But one night, walking home to a late night shift, Adelaide walks into a between between Acacia and curly brown-haired girl, Veloura. Adelaide interjects the battle, scowling at Acacia for attacking someone, and Veloura makes her escape. Acacia and Adelaide get into an arguement about the ordeal, which turns out to be another job Acacia has taken up as a hitmen. But for the brief momemnt that Adelaide locked eyes with Veloura, she saw a girl that was just like her younger self: alone, hurt, and desperate.

I want to help others who are lost, hurt, and descending into a dark life they cannot escape, because that's what happened to me."
! WARNING ! Child abuse, suicide, and brutal murder mentioned


Adelaide is a Lusdrake: a race of humanoid crystal dragons that is seen as rare and exotic. Born into a small desert village, Adelaide's mother took her child and move to Lebeau in hopes to raise Adelaide in a city of opportunity. Unfortunately, the mother suffered a terminal illness and passed away when Adelaide was only 8, leaving the young girl to be left in an orphanage. Young Adelaide didn't stay at the orphanage for very long, however, the exotic charm she had for being a Lusdrake helped her get into a home rather quickly. Sadly, the family wasn't a loving one.

From the outside looking in, Adelaide's adoptive parents were caring. They would dress her up in beautiful dresses, and talk to their friends and family about how they had a beauty adopted child who was a Lusdrake. However, behind closed doors was a dark world for Adelaide. It was years of torture, abuse, and neglect. She was only there to look pretty and be her adoptive parents trophy child. Her bedroom was the storage room and she ate out of dog bowls. She would dance for her parents and their friends; a dance that she learnt from her mother. It was the only piece of her mother she had left.

Adelaide was 13 when the weight of the abuse became too unbearable. She was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for her parents, when the thought of using the kitchen knife to end it all came. At first, the knife was for herself, but after another fit she recieve from parents, Adelaide turned the knife on them and blanked. Adelaide came to her senses when the policeman walk into the bloody scene.


Adelaide's trial became a popular topic in the news: A 13 year old girl brutally stabbing her adoptive parents multiple times. The discussion on the morality of the young girl and whether or not she should be tried as an adult lingered around the city. At the end of the long trial process, Adelaide was sentence for second degree homicide when she was 14.

15 years have past and Adelaide was let out on parole. Her parents, her actions, and her consequences were all behind her now, and she knew that all she could do was move foreward. Day by day, she worked to build a new life for herself. She found a job at a local bar, The Garden; the bar owner was kind enough to bring her in despite her criminal record. She found a place to stay and works hard to pay her rent. And two years later, she found a Moon Elf passed out in a back alley and took her in.



Once a humble port town, Lebeau is now a beautiful aquatic city which is the capitol of both fashion and magical advancements.

The fashion industry is large and booming in Lebeau. Wannabe designers, models, and stars from all over the world come here to be at the beating heart of the fashion world. Big name brands are stationed here, like Roza owned by the Rosaviels.

As the hub of fashion, the city itself is beautiful. The waters that run beside the streets are clear and crystaline. The side walks are polished and sparkling white, even marbled in some places. It's one of the cleanest cities you'll ever come back.

Lebeau isn't just known for fashion, but also from magical advancements as well. The city is situated near mysterious areas of large amounts wild-flowing mana that draws the attention of magical scholars. The Labyrinth Forest northeast of the city is one such place. Due to this, the August Institution of Magic is built in Lebeau, it is a place for people to learn, study, and research magic.


With the fashion and magic industry having such a prominent presence in Lebeau, they have a lot of power over Lebeau economic affairs. Therefore, they also have a lot of power politically over Lebeau.

Lebeau isn't all beauty and glamour, however, as there's a dark underside of this crystaline aquatic city...


Acacia [ best friends ]

Adelaide saw Acacia drinking at the bar followed her down the alley where she passed out from overdrinking. Sensing that Acacia was a hurt, lost soul that needed help, Adelaide brings the dark elf to her home and nurses her back to health. Overtime, Adelaide learns of Acacia's situation and wants to do everything she can to help the assassin turn into a life of honesty before it's too late. Everyone deserves a second chance; plus, Acacia is really nice to Adelaide!

Veloura [ acquaintances ]

Adelaide sees her younger self in Veloura's eyes; someone who grow up in a hostile environment and has reached her breaking point. Adelaide wants to do everything she can to help Veloura before she does something that she can never turn back from. Veloura is constantly trying to push Adelaide away, but Adelaide continues to try to help. She knows Veloura needs help.

Ezekiel [ acquaintances ]


Damian [ acquaintances ]





Power(s) Lusdrake Magic
Weapon(s) Crystaline Spear

Adelaide is not much of a fighter, but she can still hold herself in combat. Her movements are quick, agile, and fluid; she's able to weave around attacks and stay light on her feet. If she gets knocked off her feet, she's able to turn and flip herself to land gracefully. When she activates the gem on her forehead, she's is able to create topaz crystals from the ground and manipulate them. Using her powers, she creates a crystaline spear which she uses for combat.

Her spear provides her reach so she's able to keep a bit of distance between her and her opponent. She spins and twirls her spear around to make her attacks quick and unpredictable while also providing her with some protection. Additionaly, she can use her spear to vault up and help her keep balance.

Adelaide is able to perform dances empowered by the gem on her forehead. When she does, the topaz crystals around her will glow and emit an aura that dispell or enhance the potency of any magic.

  • ♦  Long Reach even when Melee
  • ♦  Enhancements/Dispell Magic
  • ♦  Agile and light on her feet
  • ♦  Summon crystal to control the terrain
  • ♦  Weaker than the average fighter
  • ♦  Auras can get out of control if forehead gem if damaged
  • ♦  Kind of a coward when it comes to fights
  • ♦  Inexperienced





Height 6'5 ft | 196 cm
Build Lean | Defined Legs
Eyes Bronze
Skin Tone Rosy tan
Hair Style Braided Ponytail
Hair Color Raspberry Red
Design Rationale


  • She has small shards and flakes of crystals freckling her body
  • Her horns are pure topaz
  • Originally, she was a sensual dancer that lured people in.
Blush Red
Soft Ruby
Topaz Yellow
Midnight Purple
I want to help as much people as I can, because no one was there for me.