Ted Rawrnald



4 years, 8 months ago



Ted Rawrnald


Gender: Male
Age: 45
Species: Werewolf
Role: Side Character


  • meat
  • vegetables
  • protein
  • exercise


  • junk food
  • doing nothing
  • puzzle games
  • complicated instructions



Ted grew up in Howl’s Falls, a werewolf-dominated city. He currently works an instructor and trainer for a top-notch gym in the area. He encourages people to stay fit and healthy.

Growing up, Ted was raised to be super active and athletic. His whole family line consisted of famous athletes, and he was expected to fulfill a similar role in life.

He didn’t mind this way of living since he was never that great at school anyway.

When he had entered high school, Ted was recognized as an excellent teammate and football player. Naturally, he was also experimenting with dating at the time, since he was entering his teen years. This would only be the beginning of his journey toward discovering his sexuality.

It didn’t take long for Ted to realize that he may have not liked girls as much as he had originally thought. He really tried, he went out with several girls and made efforts to have those relationships last, but they never did.

As nice as he was, all of the girls he had dated could sense that he wasn’t into them.

Then, one day, he got assigned a tutor to help him with his grades. He was struggling in history and needed to at least get a C, or else he couldn’t continue playing football anymore.

And oh boy, this was when he met Tony.

Tony was his first serious love. While Ted was usually good at making conversation, he felt really nervous and awkward around Tony, and that was what truly solidified the fact that he was gay. It was ridiculous how tongue-tied he’d get sometimes around the dude.

Then, one day, after getting to know Tony better as a friend, Ted decided to ask him out to prom. He was really expecting to get rejected, this was a risky move, but instead, his offer was accepted. Tony seemed to like him a lot more than he thought.

From there, they began dating. There were some ups and downs throughout their relationship, but it managed to still last. They even got married after Tony had finished college. Ted didn’t think that they would make it that far, he was afraid he’d fuck up somewhere along the way, but he was freaking bawling after their vows at been exchanged at the wedding.

Now they’re currently living together and have an adoptive son that's already enrolled in university. Time sure flies by.


Ted may look sort of intimidating at first, but he’s actually a real friendly guy! He’s a gentle giant, as well as an energetic person overall. He’s got stamina for days and smiles brighter than the sun.

He’s also way more sensitive than he lets on. For example, he’s usually the more emotional one in his relationship with Tony. He likes being comforted and talking things out, he gets scared whenever he’s left alone with a problem.

Lastly, he’s an optimist. He’s not delusional and he will take breaks or call it quits over something if it’ll interfere with his health, but he wants to live life being as satisfied as he can. He likes thinking about the benefits rather than the downfalls. There’s pros and cons to that trait of his, but most people find his determination endearing.


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Ryan’s friend
