Kiba's Comments

May I buy him for 75$ if possible?????

Yes! I all accept that! Would you like to pay via CashApp or PayPal or Venmo? Thanks so much by the way! 

PayPal please

Alright! My PayPal is [email protected]

when its sent I’ll transfer immediately! Thank you!


Hello! If you will accept a $150 Amazon Gift Card of your choice / $150 worth of things on an Amazon wishlist I will gladly do that! If you just want cash I totally understand :") Just thought I'd give it a shot! (the reason why I am offering from amazon its cuz its from my amazon credit card 💀)

Sorry for the late reply! I was thinking on it and honestly I wanna accept your offer since I've had a cosplay I really wanna get! Dm me when you get the chance and we can exchange info! 

Bah no worries at all on the late reply, I slept super early I just woke up xD and awesome!! I'll DM you!!!