Jin Yuro



4 years, 6 months ago


  • Jin Yuro

  • Age 15
  • Gender Female (she/her)
  • Race Japanese/Chinese
  • Super High School Level Con Artist
  • Alignment Neutral Evil

 "We mustn't completely fall to despair, but it's important to be realistic as well."

Jin has never known another home besides the streets. Out there, it's survival of the fittest, and Jin did everything in her power to ensure she wouldn't be left behind. Begging never worked fast enough, especially for someone like Jin, so soon enough she was making do by other means. She perfected lying to an art, mastering her facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice at any given moment. It's nearly impossible for any more than one person to come to a consensus about her—she's a different girl to all she meets.

Her true nature is that of complete and total selfishness. Every action she has ever taken was done for her own benefit, with no consideration of how it'd affect any others. She never became sadistic, per se, but there's always some sort of joy that comes from seeing someone bend under your pressure.


DoB:February 2nd, 20XX
Origin:What's it to ya?
Weight:106 lbs
Demeanor:Whatever suits you best! (In reality, she's just incredibly selfish.)
  • Money
  • Surviving
  • ...Taisho
  • Her origin
  • Meaningless things
  • Not having a choice











Jin Yuro was born into an incredibly wealthy, high-end, upper class family. Her life was set from before its very conception. She soon learned, however, that that was the last thing she wanted. Every decision came pre-made, and eventually she got fed up with never having a say in anything that happened to her. That was how, at the age of 6, Jin Yuro ended up living on the streets of urban Japan.

She quickly learned how to adapt, taking cues from other beggars she met and feeling out what worked and what didn't on the passerby that actually stopped to even glance at her. It was a slow and frusturating process—despite the fact that she had forsaken her luxurious life for the sole purpose of living like this, at least when she was restrained to the whims of her parents she got near-instant gratification when she wanted it.

And then she found someone else who wasn't content to sit around and wait for scraps—and was doing something about it.

She never learned their name. They seemed content to keep it that way. But through them, Jin learned that, when taking matters into your own hands, things can do so much smoother. Together they scammed hundreds of yen from anyone they could find, selling fake products and talking their way into and out of trouble countless times. Their partnership was paying dividends.

But Jin wanted more than dividends.

She waited for an opening, and when it came she took it—along with as much money as she could hold. Using the skills she'd learned in the art of scamming, Jin was eventually able to hold her own, stepping on the backs of anyone she could to stay afloat. While her previous partner had specialized in phony products for sale, Jin eventually found she was much more adept at pulling on stranger's heartstrings to earn a payout for a fake doctor's appointment, some fantasy grandmother in a hospital, some imaginary revenue-generating promise. She cast her net wider and wider, schemes growing with every chance, and she went through many a partner along the way.

By the time she was 15, Jin had settled. She was living as comfortably as one could on a sidewalk, and by that point, she'd begun to prefer it. The concrete made her feel much more like a person than plush pillow and comforters, all of which felt like a dream from long ago.

She never heard much about her family, anyway. Didn't care to check.

Moving around as often as she did, Jin never let herself get too familiar with a certain area—or let a certain area become too familiar with her—but she knew a newcomer to the streets when she saw one. Normally she was content to let those newcomers figure things out on their own, but the face on this one... it was something that couldn't be ignored. She introduced herself to him, and the instant she heard his voice, she didn't catch much beyond his name, head filling with visions of what she could pull of with him at her disposal.

She never planned for them to stick together for four years.

Taisho's troubled past was never something Jin was particularly interested in, despite his seeming complete willingless to spill, sparing no details. Jin'd rather he wasn't so open—it was something she was working on, with him, because apparently that's what she does now, "work on things" with him—but she had to admit, it made for a pretty tragic story for a pretty pretty face, and that was something that she knew how to use. She just hadn't planned ahead for it working on her, too.

Yet there was always going to be something else that worked even better on her. And when it came down to it, Jin was never one to pass up the opportunity to expand her reach. Even if it meant leaving behind everything she'd built up over the past four years...

Hope's Peak Academy (Pregame)

Having joined Class 82 of Hope's Peak Academy, Jin set to work instantly on furthering her work, using the resources and connections that Hope's Peak alloted her. She, of course, was as friendly as possible with all her fellow classmates, but did her best to avoid making any serious connections, as it'd interfere with her goals. Or so she told herself.

Most of her time was spent doing just that, trying to avoid any thoughts of what she'd left behind on the streets in favor of focusing on the bigger, grander picture—profits. And though the memories faded after she was taken for the killing game, and she still struggles to recall life within the halls of Hope's Peak, she has the feeling that, despite the soar in profits and all the benefits she'd earned, her time at the prestigious school was... lonely.

Not that she'd admit it. Not for a long while.

Hush Killing Game

Her luck landed her in Class 82's killing game, and her survival instincts kicked into full gear the moment she learned of the true nature of the game. She resolved instantly to be as cutoff from the other participants as possible, while using as many as she could for protection and other benefits. This failed rather quickly when one of the first she attempted to "befriend", Mikan Kyouka, was executed for the murder of Yuri Enerugi, and Jin was left with no support going forward in the game.

While she did eventually find herself at the side of one Kanaye Hebichi, she figured it'd be only for the duration of the game—anything for survival, and all that. She should've learned from her time with Taisho, as with each death, Kanaye became less of a tool for survival and more of a comfort, especially when Monokuma revealed to Jin that he, somehow, knew the location of Taisho, in giving Jin Taisho's hariclips.

She made it out of the game alive, along with Kanaye and three other survivors, but can't help but feel like she left something behind in that rundown carnival. Whether it was for better or worse she's yet to figure out.



[ Partner ] After meeting Taisho in the middle of him running away from his 'home', Jin partnered with him for four years, during which she began to grow close to someone, properly, for the first time. They worked together quite well, up until Jin suddenly severed their connection by accepting her invitation to join Hope's Peak Academy as the SHSL Con Artist, abandoning Taisho in the middle of the night. She tries not to think about him too much, but her success in doing so varies.


Kanaye Hebichi

[ Friend? ] What was intended as a brief, bare-bones relationship solely for survival quickly turned into a codependent situation as the killing game progressed. Jin is hesitant to call anyone a friend after what she did to Taisho, but Kanaye is probably the closest she's got.


Joho Uriage

[ Former partner ] It must've been luck that landed the two of them in the same Hope's Peak Academy class—or a cruel twist of fate that saw the two launched into the same killing game. Jin kept her distance from most people during the game, but when the dust settled and she and Joho were left among the few survivors, Jin was forced to confront her former partner and maybe, maybe take a step towards making amends.
