Sailor Toutatis / Vythica Van



9 years, 4 months ago


Name: Vythica van Dread

Nicknames: Vyth, Icca

Age: 17

Birthday: April 20th

Sign: Taurus

Gemstone: Emerald.

Blood Type: AB

Fav. Food: Bacon Cheddar Burgers (Its a really guilty pleasure)

Hated Food: Cooked Spinach

School: Crystal Academy

Knitting - Knitting has always been an enjoyable past time for Vythica. She'll knit hats, scarves, afghans, sweaters, little knitted animals. Whatever is her fancy at the time. Its a calming and relaxing hobby, plus she can push her creations off as wanted or even unwanted gifts. Though of course they are always wanted.

Vythica got into knitting by being taught by her Great Grandmother at an early age. She was only a baby when her mother and grandmother were killed in a car accident. At the time her father couldn't work and take care of a baby so her surviving Grandfather and Great Grandmother moved in with him to help take care of Vythica, leaving her father free to work and provide for them. As a small girl her Great Grandmother would sit by the fire place and knit while telling stories to her as a small child. As Vythica grew older she asked her to teach her. Every evening they would sit together and knit, telling each other stories back and forth until bed time. When her Great Grandmother passed Vythica kept up the tradition. Though usually she sat alone while she would knit. But she would continue to tell stories to the empty chair across from her as if her Great Grandmother was still there, listening with great interest as her own knitting needles clicked and clacked together.

Figure Collecting - They aren't dolls they are figures. Vythica enjoys showing her obsession with whatever character or creature that catches her fancy by collecting figures of them. She has a fairly extensive collection of monster figures and generally disturbing looking characters. They greatly out number the cutsie types that occasionally pop up in her collection.

At an early age, Vythica's father would bring her dolls. Generally the prettied up porcelain type but they were rarely ever played with. She began to amass a large collection of dust covered dolls that just sat in boxes or up on shelves. As her own interest in mythical beasts and monsters grew, she began to collect again. Only this time it was figures of favored show characters, though mostly she would seek out figures of monsters or beasts that one would mainly see in one's nightmares or wild daydreams. Anything ghastly she could get her hands on. In all honesty, these kinds of figures are what drew her. What called to her the most.

Horror Movie Marathons - Every weekend (unless she is super busy), Vythica gathers all the horror movies that she has or can find and has a horror movie marathon. Locking herself away with nothing more than a blanket, pillow and bowl of popcorn. Watching scary movies all day. Her favorite kinds of horror movies are the ones that lean towards a more atmospheric scare than blood and gore. You don't need blood to make a good horror movie!

Vythica's interest in horror movies started off at an early age as many of her hobbies had. As her grandfather would tell her, one of their relatives from the not so recent past had been a pioneering director and sometimes actor for some B Horror Movies. He had never become extremely famous outside of a small following but her grandfather had a small collection of his works that he would share with Vythica every now and again. Eventually she noticed that their relative had a vastly different last name in some of his earlier films. To which he explained that many people had a hard time pronouncing the original family name of Dreadoskivoz and so their relative had gone as a young man and legally changed his last name to van Dread to be a bit more palatable to the audiences. That and it made for an awesome name with the genre of movies that he did. So from that relative on in that line of the family they were legally named van Dread.

Senshi: Super Sailor Toutatis, Dark Mirror Senshi of Horror

Challenge: Watch as horror unfolds before your eyes!

Sailor Scout Attack: Toutatis Horror Creeps!
* How it Works - Sailor Toutatis casts an illusion on herself that fills the viewer with dread and horrifies them.
* Radius - 5 feet around Toutatis
* Duration - 10 seconds
* Casting Action - With her right hand, Toutatis folds in her thumb and two middle fingers leaving her pointer and pinkie fingers free to which she points in a general direction, channeling her powers to create the illusion over her form.
* Damage Summary - Stun or disorientation attack. Everyone, except Toutatis, within the radius of Creeps will watch as Toutatis disappears and is replaced with something that they have a known fear of. Only things they known themselves to fear will appear. The illusion is different for everyone even if they are in the same vicinity as others viewing the illusion
* Avoidable through - Direct attack. Any direct attack will cause the illusion to dissipate.
* Frequency of usage - Once per battle.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Toutatis Horror Ghouls!
* How it Works - Sailor Toutatis casts an illusion on herself that fills the viewer with overwhelming dread and horrifies them to the point of almost panicked hysteria.
* Radius - 10 feet around Toutatis
* Duration - 15 seconds
* Casting Action - With her right hand, Toutatis folds in her thumb and two middle fingers leaving her pointer and pinkie fingers free to which she points in a general direction, channeling her powers to create the illusion over her form.
* Damage Summary - Stun or disorientation attack. Everyone, except Toutatis, within the radius of Ghouls will watch as Toutatis disappears and is replaced with something that they have a known fear of. Only things they known themselves to fear will appear. The illusion is different for everyone even if they are in the same vicinity as others viewing the illusion
* Avoidable through - Direct attack. Any direct attack will cause the illusion to dissipate.
* Frequency of usage - Twice per battle, non-consecutively.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Toutatis Mass Horror! - LOCKED
* How it Works - Sailor Toutatis casts a horrific illusion on the area around her that causes those that are caught in the illusion to fear every noise they hear, every person the see. Even allies are now creatures of dread and horror.
* Viewing Radius - 20 feet around Toutatis
* Duration - 20 seconds
* Casting Action - With her right hand, Toutatis folds in her thumb and two middle fingers leaving her pointer and pinkie fingers free to which she makes a singular circle with over her head.
* Damage Summary - Stun or disorientation attack. Everyone, except Toutatis, within the radius of Mass Horror will watch as their surroundings melt away only to be replaced with a world of dreaded shadows and horrible monsters. The illusion is different foreveryone even if they are in the same vicinity as others viewing the illusion
* Avoidable through - Direct attack. Any direct attack will cause the illusion to dissipate.
* Frequency of usage - Once in battle

A Born Leader -- Vythica has never been a follower. She's always been the one to take the lead, especially if no one else will. Rather to get the job done and go home than stand around waffling with her hands in her pockets. Even when it comes to conversing she will generally be the one to start the conversation, no matter the topic. If her group needs to go somewhere or do something she will be the one to hustle them along and get them motivated. Be it a gentle smack to the back of the head or a long winded speech about how lazy they seem to be.

She honestly just hates waiting on others. Such as when one day in an early school year science class they were to dissect frogs. All the other girls were squealing about having to reach into a bucket to grab a frog to dissect. Getting frustrated with all their girlishness, Vythica walked right up to the bucket and grabbed her own frog. Of course, the others girls just made faces of horror at her. But eventually she just ended up handing out their frogs to, since none of them would reach into the bucket. She figured if she could just get them to take the frogs she plopped onto their trays they could get down to the nitty gritty of splittin' these froggies open. Vythica never liked hold ups, especially when it came to class.

Social Butterfly -- Vythica loves to talk. Loves to interact with others on any social level. Be it on the phone or in person. While she doesn't hold a large number of people as close friends. She's not one to turn away conversation on whatever with anyone. You could have a conversation about why the sky is blue and she'd chitter away about it. Silence is deafening and she most certainly likes to hear her voice.

Every now and again, if they can handle it, Vythica likes to invite others over to watch movies with her. Letting them bring maybe one or two of their own movies. Of course, she likes to toss in the occasional horror flick to test their meddle. But she won't make them sit through them if they don't want to. She has...a few comedies. And maybe a few romance? Though usually she'll just give in and let them play their movies no matter how disinterested in that movie she is. Generally she'll spend most of the time trying to get others to play board games or talk about whatever so she doesn't really have to watch their chick flicks.

Loyal To A Point -- Loyalty is never given, it is earned. It doesn't come easy but it is more certainly not unobtainable. And if you have earned Vythica's loyalty it is an unbroken kind of loyalty. Even if you were in the wrong she would stand by your side no matter the consequences. True friends are hard to come by, so always hold those you trust the most close. A friend will help you move a couch, but a true friend will help you move a body.

Though sometimes her loyalties are put to the test. If she knew one of her close friends was doing something terrible she would honestly confront them. Vythica may be loyal but she does have morals, some questionable, but personal morals none the less. There is something as going too far. She's not some mindless sheep that would follow a friend blindly without asking a billion questions first. She expects her friends to trust her if they want her to trust them. If there can be no trust then there is no friendship.

Everyone that she brings into her space has some level of trust. Its up to her and the other person to build that trust through different milestones that they would reach. Perhaps the other person wouldn't know of said milestones, but Vythica generally keeps a tab in the back of her mind. These relationship miles stones influence how she reacts to different people. If, for example, they were to purposefulness destroy her beloved collections there would be issues of course. Perhaps leading to a fairly physical confrontation. If it was an accident she could forgive a lot easier of course if it was a good friend. Accidents happened all the time.

She's So Vain -- Lets face it. Vythica thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread. In personality, looks and smarts. She thinks highly over herself and lo be the one to tell her she is anything but perfect. Even if she honestly and truly isn't. Cause no one is ever perfect. If a friend were to say such things it would take her a fair bit of time to get over it for sure. But if they were good enough friends it would be a lot easier for her to just shrug off and pass it off as they were just secretly jealous. If it were a rival she'd knock them on their butts faster than you could blink. Well, maybe not that fast but fast enough. Perhaps even a little payback later would be in store for the perpetrator.

She has a strict beauty regiment that she follows daily to make herself look her best. And really, she could just get lost at looking at her reflection in a mirror and thinking about how awesome she is all day if she could. Ladies pinch!

Stubborn As A Mule -- Vythica is stubborn but not entirely unmovable. If she has an opinion she'll let it be know and try in every way to get others to recognize that her way is the right way. Even if they throw facts at her that would totally cause her point to be moot. When she believes in something strong enough it takes a lot of convincing to get her to change her mind. She's not stuck in her ways and has had moments where she's had a change of heart. It just takes a bit of provoking to get her to see another side to things.

But she's not dumb. She knows that her opinions and reactions will eventually piss someone off. Even a close friend or two. To the point where they might not be so close anymore. That person would most certainly fall low on the priority list. If eventually things could be mended she would welcome them back into her life. Of course, never with the trust and loyalty that they had had before. Things would need to be built back up again. And she most certainly would not expect to not have to live up to that similar expectation of rebuilding a relationship. If the person wanted to just right back into it, the same as before whatever it was that tore them apart, she might wonder what kind of ulterior motives they were hiding and become even more suspicious and distrustful of them.

Poor Money Management -- Lets face it. There are just too many things in the world to spend money on. And too many things that Vythica wants to spend money on. Money burns a hole in her pocket faster than a butane lighter. Once she had money she's off to spend it. Of course, she knows perhaps she shouldn't spend a hundred dollars on a one of a kind monster movie prop mask. And maybe she shouldn't spend her last twenty bucks on something frivolous and instead save it so she had money to buy herself food or something. But it might not be there when she comes back later!

Vythica is a compulsive shopper to say the least. If its a must have she is buying it. Like that one time where she spent three hundred dollars on a limited edition Creature From the Black Lagoon fully articulated figure. She didn't stop hearing about it from her father for weeks. While she has become a bit more conscious of her spending there are just somethings too good or too amazing to pass up. This has led her to maxing out a couple credit cards. The last time she did that though her dad threatened that the next time it happened he was going to cut up all her cards. To where she instantly began hiding her cards where she'd hope he would never find them. Kind of sucks when your dad watches your bank account and credit card statements. Large purchases and rampant spending charges generally garners an angry call from him. With a speech about how she needs to be more responsible with money now that she'd older, being cut off, all those things angry fathers say when their daughters just toss money at the next shiny thing.

But at least she has a nice surplus of amazing clothes and shoes! Along with everything else she can cram in her room.


* Toutatis (too-tah-tis) is an Apollo, Alinda, and Mars-crosser asteroid with a chaotic orbit; first sighted on February 10, 1934 and then promptly lost. It remained a lost asteroid for several decades until it was recovered on January 4, 1989.
* Named after the Celtic god Toutatis/Teutates.
* Toutatis was a Celtic god worshiped in ancient Gaul and Britain. On the basis of his name's etymology, he has been widely interpreted to be a tribal protector.
* Vythica currently resides at the Crystal Academy dorms. She has no room mate at this time, which is fine cause it just means more room for her and her stuff.
* Vythica's family came from Russian but she was born in New York after her parents came to America. Then her father moved the family to Destiny City after her mother passed away.
* Her mother passed away when she was 2; raised mainly by her Great Grandmother until she was 14 when she passed away.
* The van Dread family home is about a three hour train ride outside of Destiny City, up in the mountains surrounded by forest. Currently her grandfather is the only permanent resident while her father comes and goes sporadically.
* Her father runs a rather successful business, though some of his business practices have been called into question from time to time. Mainly the disappearances of rival company members/heads.