


4 years, 7 months ago



Arlo Lewis

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them..."
Name [Arlo Lewis]
Nickname [Lou]
Godly Parent [Demeter]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [he/him]
Weight[125 lbs]
Birthday/Zodiac[August 18th/Leo]
Years at Camp [2 years]
Demi-god info

Weapon                                   [Chain Whip]

Mist Form                       [Slap-on Bracelet]

Beads Earned                                     [ N/A]


     Arlo's fatal flaw is his need to provide help, faith, and support in those around him. He is incredibly loyal to a fault and will do anything he can to prove himself a good friend. This drive to help and provide support makes it hard for Arlo to realize when he is causing more harm than good, and he struggles to separate genuine support from the approval and praise he desperately wants to feel. 

Stats [20]

VIT[2 + 2]

HP = 33
Positive TraitsNegative Traits
  • Generous
  • Warm-hearted
  • Creative
  • Enthusiastic
  • Loyal
  • Bossy
  • Interfering
  • Impulsive
  • Impatient
  • Foolhardy

     Growing up with a loving father has taught Arlo how to be a generous individual. He never had siblings but he tends to be fairly giving towards others when it comes to a helping hand. Arlo has a warm heart, making him fairly sensitive towards emotion and actions, he empathizes with both humans and animals. He is great at making friends despite coming off as a bit shy in the beginning, he will warm up and express his enthusiasm for strong bonds, and he himself hopes to prove to be a good compatriot. Arlo is loyal, and will do whatever he needs to stick by his friends, his lack of siblings has made him yearn for friendship, and upon achieving that friendship he would never abandon it. Arlo likes to find an outlet in creativity, whether it comes to building forts or drawing a wild picture, he loves to express himself in any way he can. He will eventually grow into a strong problem-solving individual through his creativity and enthusiasm. 

     Falling back on the single childhood Arlo experienced, he has grown used to not working on a team, despite his enthusiasm for a friendship he can come off as rather bossy at times as he isn't used to having to work with others. He knows it is an issue, and upon entering the camp is working on tuning that down. Bossy behavior is reflective of his impatient and impulsive behavior. He struggles with waiting on others and gets anxious upon waiting for too long. He is used to jumping into action rather than forming a plan, as he grows he should fall into his more creative problem-solving brain. He has the drive to jump into things headfirst and wants to be at the center of most information. This makes him interfere a lot, whether that means acting on his impulsive ideas, or because he wants to have a say. Arlo is hardly aware of this behavior and comes off as a classic foolhardy teenager. 

     Additional information would be that due to Arlo's warm heart and generous attitude towards friends, he can't tell when he is interfering or coming off as bossy. When the two are separated as wholes it looks as if he is trying to command those around him when in fact the two work together in a desperate attempt to help his loved ones. Sometimes it does more damage than good. 

  • Arlo loves to collect bugs! Especially slugs.
  • Comic books are one of his favorite things to read.
  • WARHEADS! He loves the really sour ones.
  • Arlo is a big fan of nature and loves to spend time in the sun.
  • Arlo is currently learning flower types and has taken to gardening and learning the different uses of flowers!
  • Swimming, he just doesn't know how to. 
  • Being inside too long makes Arlo antsy. 
  • Shoes, he has one pair and wears them as little as possible. 
  • Mustard is disgusting!
  • Winter is a sad time for Arlo, he misses the sun, the wildlife, the flowers. 

Active Ability Tiers

Tier one: Bloom
     When Arlo walks, he manifests small flower patches in his wake, they grow up from the ground he has stepped on. The flowers are small in nature, varying around the size of a daisy or baby's breath.  These small flowers will wilt about five minutes after sprouting in the ground as Arlo has no control over their manifestation. These flowers only sprout when Arlo walks, as they are a gentler wildflower type, if he begins to run or sprint, the flowers grow fragile and die before they can manifest. 

- Despite lack of control, it isn't a constant manifestation, it only works on soil and when Arlo is in a good mood. 

- The wasted energy makes Arlo feel sleepy, much like a sugar crash. 

- The ability only works within 2 feet around the ground he is standing on. 

- Arlo can only manifest one type of flower at a time. 

Tier Two: Growth Spurt
     Upgrade! Arlo can now manifest the flowers better, he has more control of when he wants them to form under his feet and they can now last for about 10 minutes. The flowers are a bit bigger and include new flower types like small sunflowers, goldenrod, chrysanthemums, and chamomile. These flower species are heavy in pollen and can trigger allergies to those within 6 feet of where they are manifested. 

- Overuse of forceful manifestation can make him feel sluggish and tired.

- Flowers can now manifest within 6 feet of where Arlo is standing. 

- Arlo can only manifest one type of flower at a time. 

- These flower types develop faster if Arlo is feeling uncomfortable!

Tier Three: Eat this!
     Uh oh! Are you feeling sick? Arlo can help. This tier allows for Arlo to begin growing herbal species types, his manifestation includes flowers like marigold for stomach aches, poppies for a pain killer, lavender for burns, yarrow and feverfew for headaches, and even motherwort for stress and anxiety! If Arlo focuses hard enough, he can even manifest deadly flower types like foxglove, oleander, and wolf's bane. He still has to crush and prepare thse flowers though, they don't come out as ready to go! 

- Arlo can manifest two flower types, but only the herbal types. 

- Manifesting the poisonous flowers is incredibly difficult and takes up a lot of energy from the mind and body. Arlo feels tired and worn out from using this part of his ability. Not that he wants to..

- Arlo's growth range is now up to 10 feet! He can now grow the flowers outside of his own bodily range. 

- Arlo's speed type is increased to jogging. 

- Arlo is increasing his knowledge of the application of these herbs!

Tier Four: Touch and go
     Arlo is fast now, he can run at a full sprint while manifesting flowers behind him. His increased speed isn't without its consequences and he loses energy faster. However, his flowers are stronger and can last for up to 15 minutes. The new flower types include roses (and their thorns), trumpet vines, moonflowers, wisteria, and Hops. These vines roll and spread across the ground as he runs, almost as if he is surfing on them. The vines of these flowers can be used to propel Arlo forward, as well as grab other individuals.

     As the name suggests, Arlo can now touch organic matter and manifest the flower species he requires and can move outside of his bodies reach without the plant withering. This allows for a touch and go effect if he needs to retreat from where he potentially attacked. 

- The touch effect has to be from his fingers, it doesn't manifest anywhere but his feet and fingertips. 

- The flowers will only grow from organic matter, anything man-made does not support the growth of a flower. 

- Flowers now last 15-20 minutes, but the longer Arlo keeps them alive, the more energy is drained. 

- Flower vines can only capture an opponent with a roll of 15+ for one turn, if the opponent rolls a 15+ themselves, they can escape. (Not very effective at capture.) A roll of 10+ means the vines will land a hit with 3 STR.

- The vines can only hold a person for about 2-4 minutes. 

Tier Five: Flower Power
     Arlo now has full control of his ability, his manifestation time has increased and he can run at full speed while creating strong thick flowers of different species. He can now manifest up to three species of flowers at once and can direct the projection of where a flower grows, attacks, and coils. Combining tier 4 and 5, the vines are incredibly thick and tough and can be raised from the ground at the touch of Arlo's fingers. 

- Arlo can mix and match the flower types he has learned in all tiers and has included the quite pungent Stinking Carrion Lily to his collection. This carrion flower is gigantic and releases the smell of death itself. This specific flower cannot be grown with other flower types, and due to its size, it can make Arlo feel pretty winded. (Have to roll a 14+ for it to even manifest, anything below results in a failed attempt) 

- Arlo can now touch the ground and manifest where the flower will grow within a 25 ft radius of his target. This means he can stand 20 feet away, and manifest flowers and their vines below an opponent. 

- A roll of 6+ means the vines will land a hit with 5 STR, 10+ means ensnarement for 5 minutes for one turn (if 18+, the vines will capture for up to 10 minutes.) 

- The flowers and their vines will not die unless Arlo wishes them to, but they can be destroyed, trampled, or cut by others! 

Active Ability - Chlorokinesis 
The children of Demeter may inherit their mother's ability to control plant life. In Arlo's case, he finds himself able to manifest different species of flowers to use for a multitude of uses. 

Passive Ability - Hero's Feast
Demeter's children are natural cooks and Arlo is no exception! The young man is surprisingly good at making meals, and has an affinity for baking. Don't worry if he makes a mess or starts a fire, the food will still taste excellent!

History + trivia

     Vinny found himself enthralled with a beautiful woman. She was ethereal, and Vinny was positively smitten by her calm nature. He met her one evening while on duty, his fire department was called in to assist a farmer whose crops were being burned. She was standing off to the side, watching the fire with what he thought was despair. The decision to speak to her that night proved to be the start of an explosive love for the man. They spent the summer together, and before Vinny knew it, she was pregnant. They decided to name the child Arlo. 

Growing Up
      Arlo's early life was hard, Vinny hadn't been prepared to care for a child by himself and his job was stuck in limbo. Arlo of course never noticed how they were struggling, he was barely six by the time he really noticed that his family was missing a key piece. It was just himself and his dad, and going to school and seeing everyone with two parents had confused him. He began asking his father about his own mother and was eventually shown a picture. His dad looked happy, he didn't have the exhausted expression he usually wore and his arms were wrapped around the waist of a very pretty lady! That was his mom, Vinny had told him. His smile was distant, Arlo didn't know why.
     As Arlo got older he began to understand why his dad was so distant. He wasn't distant from Arlo, don't get him wrong, he just seemed at a loss for what to do. Having fallen in love and being left with a child had been a lot to handle in less than a year. Arlo made it his own personal mission to cheer his papa up, covering the house in silly stick figure drawings, making him a paper metal that said "Worlds best dad!" and dragging him to the school's family talent show to let everyone know that his dad was a hero.
     It wasn't long after that that Vinny started lightening up, soon he found a new job and moved himself and his son out of Texas and straight down to Florida. The new job picked up fast! Arlo was going to school now, and Vinny had more time to work and give his son the time he needed. It was a good system and Arlo noticed his father's new upbeat attitude, it was nice and so was their new house. It had a beautiful garden in the back, right next to a swamp. Arlo often found himself playing back there and creating little forts for the bugs he befriended.

Middle School
      Living in Florida was weird, it was hot and buggy with dinosaurs right in your backyard! Arlo was surrounded by a whole new world, and going to his new school only amplified that fact. Everyone was nice enough, though around his second week he started to get picked on. They pointed out his unruly hair, laughed at his awkward Texan accent. Arlo was never one to get discouraged, but this was not something he was used to. He found himself getting more upset, coming home with puffy eyes from crying, and his dad did everything he could to calm him down but Arlo never did tell him what was wrong. Vinny was his hero, so he didn't want to seem like he was weak, even as silly as that sounded.
     He started to avoid school, staying home sick and sitting outside in the yard watching gators laze about. It wasn't until he met the school counselor that he started going back. She was really nice, tall with similar fiery red hair. Her name was Lacey, and she began to help Arlo feel supported. He found himself with new confidence, he wasn't alone anymore! He had Lacey to help him get through school and even though the bullies still picked on him from time to time.. it was nice to know that the whole school wasn't against him. With her help, he even found a group of friends with similar interests and she helped him start a gardening club! He oddly had quite the affinity for plants and it quickly became his favorite part of middle school.

I'm a what?
     By 8th grade, the gardening club had grown pretty popular at school, their crops and flowers were flourishing and the staff was pleased with how well it made the school look. Arlo himself even took up gardening at home, making the flower beds bright and colorful much to his father's surprise. Vinny thought it was a neat hobby for his son, and it reminded him of Arlo's mother. He could tell Arlo was itching to do more and proposed a field trip to the school board. They agreed and Arlo and his friends were taken to the Florida Botanical gardens.
     It was beautiful, all the flowers and the deep smell of grass and wildlife. It made Arlo feel truly at home. The whole weekend they were there he was fully immersed in the place. On the final night Arlo snuck out of his hotel room to venture outside, he was happy.. happier then he had been in a long time, and as he was walking on the grass, he noticed a single flower pop up behind him. And then another, and another. He watched his steps closely as a flourish of tiny pinky sized flowers sprouted in his wake. He heard a voice call out, and right before him was Lacey. She looked different though, her hair was even brighter, the color of leaves in autumn and it cascaded down a thin green frame. She sat him down and told him she was a Dryad, and that he was special. She explained who he was too. "I'm a what?"

Summer Camp
     After the new shakeup in his life, Lacey and his father began talking more. He never listened in, that would be rude, but one day his father knelt in front of him and gave him a big hug. He didn't say much other than that Arlo would be attending summer camp. A place with other kids.. like himself. He didn't really get it, but he was excited! They never could afford camp in the past, so he was ready to go.
     Year one was spectacular, to say the least, he had never been somewhere so strange. The whole concept of being a.. demigod was foreign to the thirteen-year-old, and his first few weeks there was spent trying to wrap his brain around everything that was happening while being crammed into the Hermes cabin. They explained since he hadn't been claimed, he would stay here till he was. Arlo missed his dad during this time, he wanted to go home but he also was finding peace in being outside surrounded by people who were supposedly like him. He missed Lacey, she went back out to look for kids like himself, at least that's what she told him.
     Arlo found himself gravitating towards the fields, watching other dryads move about, peering curiously at the Dionysus and Demeter children who all were making beautiful plant life that he watched with wide eyes. The strange ability he discovered that night didn't happen again until he found himself in a, particularly good mood one night. He was overjoyed by a letter his old friends sent him, and with that joy came a burst of flowers from his feet. They were small but abundant and spread out around him in a bright and colorful display. That was the day he was claimed by Demeter. He had a mom. Arlo cried about that for a good hour, he finally knew who his mom was.
     After spending the next year with his father once more, it was almost time to return to the camp. Arlo was excited beyond all means and couldn't keep himself from waiting longingly for any sign. It came, but in a much simpler way than the young man expected. He received a call one evening requesting his return, so with an eagerly packed bag the redhead was ready to go. So once more, Arlo Lewis, child of Demeter, was off to camp. 


  •      Arlo's hair is dyed! He's a natural brunette but he wanted to match his father's fire engine red.
  •      Arlo has two slugs he keeps in his room, their names are Ben and Jerry
  •      He is a terrible swimmer, but he does his best. 
  •      Arlo's favorite food is a deep dish pizza.. no pineapple. 
  •      Arlo was born in Texas, but was relocated to Florida upon his father's new job.
  •      Arlo's dad Vinny is a fireman, he's Arlo's hero! 
  •      Arlo is a magnificent cook, but baking is his favorite. 
  •      Arlo has always wanted a mom, he loves his dad very much but he always knew something was missing. 
  •      He has dyscalculia as well as dyslexia. The latter has been fixed at camp, but the former is something he still struggles with. 
  •      With the new ability to read, Arlo has taken up an interest in reading a lot of books. 
  •      Despite his bold personality, he takes a while to warm up to new people, but once he does he is very outward and friendly. 

Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest and is Arlo's mother. He doesn't know her at all, just of her, but he does have a small memory of her face when he was a baby. 


Vinny, or Vin, is Arlo's father. The two have a very close relationship as this was the man who raised Arlo since he was a baby. He has his ups and downs but has done his best to raise Arlo as a gentle and selfless person. Vin himself is a Fire Fighter and is Arlo's personal hero. 

Roleplayer information

Discord, google docs

I prefer Lit over script! But I can do both. I love to HC as well! 


EST (Eastern Standard Time)