


7 years, 8 months ago


Name: Orlando Griffith

Species: Lineheart

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Personality: Orlando is loose and easygoing. Not much really affects him until you poke him enough to rile him. He lacks conviction, passion, and ambition, so people often find him rather boring to talk to. Girls and crushes leave him at the drop of a hat when they realize he doesn't care for much and would do pretty much anything they wanted (within reason of course). This is why in social situations, he is often thought to be awkward and shy, so people's initial impressions that he is cool are always thrown out the window. It is not easy to sway him from whatever his beliefs are, however, and he can be quite a stubborn person.

Bio: When he was growing up, Orlando's father, Gregory, had a huge influence on him. His father was a delinquent and lived somewhat like a thug, moving through gang territories and picking fights. The way his friends spoke made his way of speaking the same, so he talked in the same manner at home while raising Orlando.

Description: Orlando has a real poker face, but this does not always convey his inner emotions.

Height: 5'9"


  • Based some of this dude off one of my cousins ahaha
  • He is an officer in parking enforcement (on training for two years), but looking to promote or transfer to another station eventually. He has worked in a buffet full time for four years.
  • He is always asked to run errands or do small favors from both friends and family/relatives. This is because he always accepts, doesn't get mad, and takes things in stride. He also normally has a calm look on his face, like he's never been angry in his entire life.
  • Habits: Talks like a punk sometimes, despite being an educated adult (due to father's way of speaking when he was a child)

Likes: All kinds of food | Has a sweet tooth & in love with sweets and chips  | Many kinds of games, on any console (action, combat, and RPG types most common) | Having fun | Jokes 

Dislikes: Boredom | Being pushed by people who are simply trying to agitate him / being pushed to do something against his beliefs | Having his belongings and games taken or broken (borrowing is acceptable)

Strengths: Quick learner & worker | Quick adaptability 
