
4 years, 7 months ago




Name Animosity Benzen
Age 19
Gender female
Species house cat
Alignment chaotic evil

Animosity hates everything.  She believes that everything is meaningless because everyone will die one day, and everything we do is just a mere distraction from our inevitable doom.  She often breaks valuable things and messes things up on purpose just “because she can.”  She thinks rules are stupid and will break as many as she can.  Animosity will sometimes pretend to be your friend, but then turn on you when you most need her.

And no one can stop her. Why? Because everytime the police try to catch her, Animosity will disappear.  She has the ability to sublimate into paradichlorobenzene vapor, which is completely invisible and very toxic.  In her vapor form, Animosity is extremely dangerous.  She can escape from anywhere, spy on anyone, and poison anyone.  Animosity often travels through the city at night while in her vapor form because to her, it’s fun and relaxing.  She greatly prefers her vapor form over her cat form, and wishes she could stay as paradichlorobenzene vapor forever.

She can’t, however.  If Animosity stays in her vapor form for more than five minutes, it will start to hurt her.  If she stays as vapor for more than ten minutes, it will make her feel excruciating pain.  And if she stays as vapor for more than fifteen minutes, Animosity will die.  She isn’t scared of death though, as she feels it is her destiny to live a sinful, meaningless life and then die painfully.

Even though it hurts her greatly, Animosity often stays in her vapor form for 7-12 minutes on average.  She’s used to the pain by now, and feels like the one thing that she loves is totally worth all the pain.  Once she even stayed in her vapor form for 14 minutes, and for five days after that she was much too weak and in pain to do anything.

Animosity has many enemies.  Her only non-enemy, however, is Rosefloof, who Animosity secretly admires.  Rosefloof and Animosity share a common interest of science and a common dislike of bright colors, excited and happy people, and pop culture.  The two of them often sit together in silence, sharing a bond that no one else besides them will understand.


  • being alone
  • paradichlorobenzene (both the chemical and the song by Owata-P)
  • being in her vapor form
  • the ring around her ear


  • people
  • rules
  • existing
  • everything else


How does Animosity turn into paradichlorobenzene vapor?  Well, all she has to do is imagine herself disappearing, and then her body will instantly sublimate into paradichlorobenzene vapor.  To turn back, she just has to imagine herself turning back into a cat.

But, there’s a catch.  See the ring around her ear? If she doesn’t have it, then she can’t sublimate.  Because of this, Animosity is very protective of her ring.

How did she get her ring? Well, it all started when Animosity was fourteen years old.  She was an orphan, but didn’t seem to be too sad about it.  From a very young age, she had decided she wanted to live each day to the fullest, always smiling brightly and being kind to her classmates.

Back then, Animosity’s name was Kimberly Sprinklefield.  Kimberly was everyone’s favorite person to be around.  She always made little gifts to give to her classmates and teachers.  She dressed in bright, sparkly clothes that were a perfect representation of her bright, sparkly personality.  Everyone loved her, and she was friends with everyone she came across.

One day, she noticed one of her friends had forgotten to bring a lunch.  Kimberly shared her entire lunch with her friend, who was so happy about it and couldn’t stop thanking Kim.

Later that day, when Kim came back to the orphanage where she lived, she was STARVING.  During snack time, another classmate had forgotten to bring a snack, so Kim had given her snack to her.  “When will we be eating dinner?” Kim asked one of the ladies who worked at the orphanage.

“Oh, dinner won’t be ready until another three hours.  Why don’t you go get a snack from the pantry?”

So, Kim rushed to the pantry to look for snacks.  The first thing that caught her eye was a glass jar filled with small white balls.  "Ooh, candy!" she thought.  She grabbed the jar and took it to her room.

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