
4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Prince
Age: 22
Species: Hyena
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Status: single
Height: 5'9

Personality: stubborn, prideful, very blunt, lowkey a huge snob, a royal ass, spiteful, self-absorbed, strict, has his polite/kind moments but they're rare, insensitive, rude, secretly awkward especially when it comes to showing affection, easily embarrassed, harsh, a perfectionist, overconfident, gets stressed over little things, he's a 'know it all', snappy.

Fears: heights, drowning, wild animals, bugs.
Likes: having time to himself, reading fictional fantasy, studying, winning, achieving his goals,

Dislikes: germs, being sick, people, crowded places, feral animals, kids, holidays, unhealthy food, mud/dirt, being dirty, messes, being told what to do, tv, getting hurt, bugs, nature, loud noise/annoying sounds, snoring, having to share, too cold or hot weather.

- comes from a well off family but insists on making it in the world on his own.
- finds his family very irritating and avoids them at all costs.
- is probably lonely but purposely drives off anyone who tries to befriend him.
- he's allergic to processed sugar.
- doesn't see the point in dumb meaningless activities, is a total square