Charley Valentine



4 years, 7 months ago


Charley Valentine is a Void Demon with a liking to ribbons and the fears of hell demons.

Unlike her more shadowy brethren, Charley is more colorful, both physically and personality wise. She seems all nice and innocent on the surface, sometimes acting much like a child on a few occasions. However, behind that cute little facade is a creature bent on making people suffer, hell demons and mortals especially. She takes a fascination of the screams of those types of people, and would often traps those voices within jars in her pocket dimension, which can only be accessed through the rings around her arms, which can grow to a size large enough to fit you.

When she has her target, she will stalk her prey until they are alone. Afterwards, she'd pounce with her ring portal, forcing the unfortunate soul into her pocket dimension. Once you're trapped, you're likely to not leave, as only 10% of her victims are ever found alive outside of her dimension. She will proceed to torture her victim using their fears against them, be it unleashing loads of spiders on a person with arachnophobia, or just... leaving them there, if the victim fears being alone, She never directly interacts with her victims, less they fear her, and usually relies on other tactics or people to get the victim to feel fear in their hearts. Once she senses the fear, she will strike in an attempt to make her victim scream. Once that happens, she will trap that scream and whatever begging comes from their mouth and kick them out of her dimension, usually badly wounded.

5'9"/151 yo/()/void blood

-of the 10% that make it out alive, most of them usually face their fear without it overtaking them. If this happens, Charley will kick you out in her boredom with you.
-Her dimension seems to also hold the ability to warp its surroundings to match a fear, if it a fears of heights or a specific place due to trauma. This has earned it the name "The Fear Dimension".
-She is a member of the Shadow circus, acting as the general magician (IE pull stuff out of her hat kind, but with rings and voices)
-Sometimes, if she really wants your voice, she will not boot you out if you resist the fear, rather cutting the middleman and ripping the voice out herself. Watch out if she has a liking to you, as if she finds you prey, you will certainly die if you are bold. Likewise, if she can get a scream out of you fairly easily, she will let you got scotch free.