Bella Leeswood



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Lady Leeanna Isabella “Bella” Leeswood // Captain Leeswood

Age: 28 years old

Height: Five feet, three inches

DOB: (To be determined at a later date)

Hometown: (To be determined at a later date)

Weight: 115 pounds

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Half human, half-werewolf

Eyes: Her eyes are a stunning golden yellow hue, with her eye size being almost too large for her face.

Hair: Long and slightly wavy with portions braided off, with the color being a dark auburn, which appears redder after being in the sun and having her hair become sun-bleached over time.

Nails: Unpainted, kept short though still chips.

Face: Triangular, sharp, almost fox-like, but remains feminine.

Typical clothing attire: Trousers, both tight and loose fitting depending on the season, chemises and thick shirts, vests, and corsets. Knee-high boots.

Voice/Voice claim:

Romance(s): Single in all universes.


This proud woman of great prestige and vigor is the bastard daughter of a Marshall of a Naval ship, one of the most known for its heroics in the fleet, and she was often brought along on their many dangerous adventures, and put to work like a boy and even when they returned to land she often dressed the same, even if it was unbefitting her station. When she started to come of age her father realized that he never taught her how to be a proper lady and sent her away to a finishing school in hopes of salvaging what he may or may not have damaged. She refused to submit to the school-marms and was often beaten severely and punished daily for her stubbornness and rudeness. In the end, she was the winner, but the cost of her triumph was a bitterness that cut straight to her soul for the elite of society that deemed she had to be put through those tortures and pressured her father into sending her because it was what society deemed he needed to do.

By the time she returned home she came to find that her father had been murdered by the Pirate King, Blackeye Jenkins. Fueled by grief and rage, she took to her fathers' ship to seek aid in her revenge but was turned away. “This is no place for a young lady. Take your father's inheritance and salvage his name.” Enraged, she took to searching for any ship and crew that would take her out onto the seas. She was unsuccessful for many years.

One day, she met a captain who was older, very fatherly, if a little ruthless. He agreed to take her out on his ship and help her to find justice. For six years she earned her place among him and his men, being practically adopted by the Captain until one night there was a Naval ship out on the horizon, and the Captain rose his Jolly Roger. Aghast and heartbroken, Bella confronted the Captain and he admitted to being Blackeye Jenkins. He explained that when he of the wayward daughter of the Marshal, and her vendetta against him, that he would seek her out and train her to become the best of the best in ways her father refused to. He said that her father was a scoundrel, a disgrace to all seamen and that he had attacked his crew without provocation or proof that they were pirates at all, only that it was a hunch, and that he murdered innocents on a hunch. He told her that they only attacked the Navy because they attacked them, otherwise they were transporters for people trying to find freer and better lives for themselves.

Heart-broken and confused, Bella hid away on her own, and no one on the ship could find her until about a week later she approached Jenkins and demanded that she becomes a pirate. Jenkins agreed and trained to become his replacement. A few years later, when he believed her to be fully ready, he retired and move inland where he got to live a comfortable life, and Bella took over the Ancient Rose as the Pirate Queen. She sends a monthly box of treasure to her old mentor and King, just as a thank you and to keep him living comfortably for the rest of his days, not willing to lose another father figure in her life again anytime soon.

She is unaware of her werewolf heritage as of this time.

~Romance Differences~