Baseila Tassi



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Baseila Tassi




Musician / Lutist


Music, elaborate designs, dark places, tart foods, cold things.

Bright lights, anything overly sweet, heights, peer pressure, crowds.

Despite being a street performer, Baseila is quite bashful. This is something she’s had to work on throughout her life.
She's getting somewhere, at least. One mistake wont send her running unlike when she was a girl and would quit at the first error. At least it takes quite a few now!

If a crowd is too large, she is pretty much rendered useless. Enter stage fright.
She becomes overly self conscious in every movement she makes, which may be fine if she was only paying attention to her fingers. But once her mind sets off on one flaw that’s all she can focus on. It can be something as silly as her skirt isn't falling the right way, or her foot isn't turned the right way.
This doesn’t exactly make her the best teammate for equally as timid partner, Thais, who Baseila often leaves crying because of her constant walking out on performances.

In social situations, trying to engage her in conversation can be tough. She generally gives short responses to everything, especially if she has no interest in what you’re saying.
She finds conversations not directed at her are far more interesting than the ones people try to start up with her. It is because of this people have deemed her to be nosy, she doesn’t seem to be able to understand why...

You see, Baseila is practically unable to pick up on social cues and doesn’t understand that some topics are meant to be “personal,” or just in general should not be talked about. The term “Taboo” is non-existent to her. This also makes her quite terrible at keeping secrets.
Baseila is completely willing to ask the questions no one else even wants to touch. ...Or she'll just barrage you with useless questions. Whatever she feels like doing, really.

Baseila was born to Demi and Stathis Tassi- who were both street performers.
Her mother sang and could play few instruments, such as violin. Her father on the other hand was not all that great with vocals, and much preferred to practice with as many instruments as he could get his hands on-- A jack of all trades, if you will. His favorite was his precious lute, though. He had this lute for a long time, as his mother had bought it for him as a gift for his birthday when he was a young boy.
Baseila’s Grandmother had passed long before her parents had met, so this lute had meant a lot to her father. So much so that he planned to keep it in the family as long as possible.

He taught Baseila and her older sister how to play it. Her older sister, however, wasn’t too thrilled about it. She had no real interest in playing any sorts of instruments unlike Baseila, who enjoyed the sound of the lute and the lessons their father gave them very much.
Baseila wasn’t the greatest student, though. She got extremely nervous most of the time and would make a lot of mistakes because of this. When she would make one mistake, it would only make things worse.
Sessions were always cut short because Baseila would “quit” if things weren’ seeming well for her. She was so embarrassed by her failures, the only way to cheer herself up was to just not be around people at all for awhile.
After awhile, Baseila’s father picked up on her strange behavior and decided it’d be best if she practiced alone and came to him only when she needed help.
Baseila would practice outside behind their house everyday-- when she was not busy with her school work, of course. She did extremely well this way.

At age 15, Baseila decided she wanted to follow in her parents foot steps and become a street performer as well. Except she wanted to specialize in only lute playing.
It didn’t take her long to realize she suffered from a fear of crowds. As her first time trying to perform with her parents, she became far too nervous, and ended up abandoning them and running home in the midst of playing. They tried this several times, but to no avail.
As soon as Baseila would get the slightest bit worried she would make a mistake as she always did. And one mistake would lead to her being completely flustered and no longer able to focus.

But she was determined to overcome this.

When Baseila turned 19, it was decided by her parents, since she had not made any progress whatsoever, she would be paired with Thais Anise.
Thais had the same problems as Baseila, so it made sense to pair them up, right? That way they could work on their problems together.
Things haven’t been going exactly as planned, though. Generally their inability to function around large groups of people leads them to only making fools of themselves.

❃Additional Information:
► Baseila puts on her hood whenever she performs, as it makes her feel slightly more secure if people cannot see her face.

► She decorated her lute herself when her father passed it down to her.