
7 years, 8 months ago


heaven and earth, life and death

One of the Hunter's most infamous members, Silver used to be a mob hitman for the group, now working directly under Lillian to guide it into a better direction. Cynical, spitefull and agressive, Marie "Mercury" Naharian became known in the group for her arrogant and overconfident personality. While she's still very much the same, she's very noticeably more reasonable and less arrogant (although her overconfident sense of humor hasn't changed, she doesn't believe her own bullshit anymore). Surprinsingly nicer than she lets herself seem and with a ridiculous ammount of soft spots, Silver legitimately tries to be a good person, although she insists that in the end its just that, her trying, and that's she really wouldn't consider herself a good person, as much as a good actress.

name "Silver" Naharian
age Adult
gender Female
occupation ???
theme Doughnut Hole
  • ❤ Coffee
  • ❤ Pastries
  • ❤ Pink stuff
  • ❤ Music
  • ❤ Fluffy things
  • ❤ Cats
  • ❤ Books
  • ❤ Trashy romance novels
  • 💔 Bad horror movies
  • 💔 Mosquitoes
  • 💔 The sun
  • 💔 people assuming she’s white
  • 💔 people assuming she’s Human
  • 💔 Humans in general
  • 💔 White clothes
  • 💔 Mustard
  • ✐ Piano
  • ✐ Violin
  • ✐ cooking
  • ✐ baking
  • ✐ Writing
  • ✐ Reading (trashy romances especially)
  • ✐ kickboxing
  • ✐ Sewing (yes really)
  • ☠never
  • ☠gonna
  • ☠give
  • ☠you
  • ☠up
  • ☠never
  • ☠gonna
  • ☠let uu doooown

“Silver” is the youngest of two siblings. Her parents, two Kenyan tamers, moved to human territory before she was born. They loved humans and what they represented and had a healthy respect for them, something they taught her older brother, Klio. However, they died when she was very young. She was raised by her brother and his boyfriend, who were both remnants, and even when they had the best intentions, couldn’t teach her what their parents believed. She wasn’t only a tamer, but she also had albinism, so she stood out a lit during her childhood. Human children aren’t especially known for their acceptance to different people, so she grew up seeing humans as mean-spirited opportunists, bullies, racists, and in general just Really Bad People. This view of the world only strengthened with time, and by the time she was old enough, she joined the Hunters. At the time, the organization was only starting and had good intentions, however, it quickly became pretty much a hate-group mafia. She trained with them, and grew up with them, and eventually became one of the group’s hitmen. She was pretty much merciless, and pretty sadistic so far as everyone could tell. This called the attention of another hitman, Chris, and they started a weird, very aggressive relationship really soon. She was assigned a partner who was meant to go with her on missions and keep her in check, and also help clean up after her. At first, she absolutely hated him, but the guy, Abel, soon grew on her, and they became close friends. Close enough, that he could notice how fucked her relationship with Chris was, and how it was messing her up. She ignored him for a long time, threatening to cut ties with him entirely if he insisted, however, his friendship proved true when, after months of abuse, she finally Snapped and killed Chris. Even if it had been in self-defense, they both knew if authorities got involved, they would dig up a lot that would get her in trouble, so He helped her escape and relocate, even staying with her for several months until she was mostly recovered. She decided to try to start a new, non-illicit life and started living in her little apartment in the center of Vershade. It was all going relatively well until she decided to try to help an injured kid she found on the street….


Name: Abel
Relationship: Best Friend
Age: ?? 
Gender: Male
Species: Draltur  
Quote: --

Her closes friend, by far, Abel has been for her since the day they met (even though she didn't like him at first). He’s very good company, he’s joyful and nice to be around, constantly thinking of silly jokes and giving people’s nicknames. He’s the one who came up with her “Mercury” nickname

Name: Klio
Relationship: Brother
Age: ?? 
Gender: Male
Species: Tamer 
Quote: --

er older brother, Klio is protective and hardworking. He managed to raise her almost all by himself, while at the same time managing to work since he was 16 to provide for them both, and yet she’s never seen him frown. She really appreciates him, and likes to visit and bring him gifts and silly stories as often as she can, which In her opinion, is not near enough. 

Name: Nicholas
Relationship: Son
Age: ?? 
Gender: Male
Species: Draltur 
Quote: --

After having found him injured behind a dumpster, Silver adopted (not precisely legally) Nicholas when he was 14, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. They’re both really protective over each other, and spend a lot of time together.


Reformed, but Not Tamed

Silver used to be a part of a supernatural mafia until she was confronted with the repercussions of her actions. While she was reformed and aknowledges the wrongs in what she did, she's still generally pretty agressive and has inssues controlling her temper and her attitude.

Noble Bigot

As much as she hates to admit it, she's very prejudiced towards humans, and most of her character arc revolves around her trying to overcome this irrational bigotry she's held for most of her life. She knows its hypocritical and isn't proud of it, but she's been this way too long and its hard to break out of.

Bitch With A Heart Of Gold

She comes off as rude and agressive at first (mostly on purpose) but she's really not as mean as she would like people to think. Depending on the circumstances, she can actually be really kind and altruistic, especially towards people that remind her of someone she cares about.

  • She bruises very easily.
  • Because of a series of unfortunate genetic mutations, she cannot have children. It's still a touchy subject and its better to avoid mentioning it if possible.
  • She's actually very insecure about her body. This, of course, only contributes to her general poor self care habits.
  • She loves makeup, and takes her time every day to make sure its perfect.
  • Fatalistic humor is her thing. Sometimes people can't tell if she's serious or not. this is infinitely amusing to her,.
  • Red and strong orange were Chris’ signature colors, so she avoids them.
  • She's Albino, not white, I suck at properly showing this but its important.
  • Under all of that makeup her face is very reddish and full of freckles. She also has stained lids.
  • She rarely goes out during the day (mild photophobia) but when she does, she's usually well covered with long sleeves, hats and sunglasses.
  • Another very old character I made many years ago.
  • Never for sale/trade;

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